Crushing Products Size and Shape -What to Expect

crusher product charts

I have made a number of general remarks regarding the character of product delivered by crushers of various types, and under different conditions of operation. Generalities are of value only if we have some standard to which comparisons may be referred; therefore, we should like to present more specific information on the kind of product to […]

Hammer Mill Operating Principle


Operational Characteristics: The method of operation has a con­siderable effect upon the nature of the product. When minimum fines are a requirement, the hammer mill should always he operated in closed circuit with a screen, or screens; the cir­culating load should be fairly high; speed should be as low as is consistent with physical structure of […]

Hammer Mill Crusher & Grinder


The hammer mill is the best known and by far the most widely used crushing device employing the impact principle of breaking and grinding stone. Thus far we have described machines which do a portion of their work by impact, but the only machine described in which this action plays an important role was the […]

Double Roll & Teethed Roll Crusher


Although its brief period of popularity passed some thirty-odd years since, and only a few sets were installed before interest reverted to other types, the high-speed double roll crusher developed by Thomas A. Edison shortly before the end of the last century warrants a place in any discussion-of crushing equipment. In 1960, the largest machine […]

Dodge Crusher


A sectional view of the Dodge jaw crusher here below. The mechanism of this machine is so simple that it is hardly necessary to enlarge upon what can be gained from an examination of the cut.   In one respect, the Dodge machine is a reversal of the actions we have been discussing; its movable […]

Impact Crusher

Impact Crusher

As impact crushing becomes more prevalent in the production of friable as well as some harder types of aggregates, it is natural for those not completely familiar with the process, or recent improvements in technology, to wonder why impactors are being specified in situations previously often considered uneconomical or, at best, marginally feasible for this […]

Crusher Discharge Product Size & Shape


A striking feature of the non-choking concave, is the character of the product. So far we have been dealing with crushers whose eccentric speeds are low enough to permit the material to fall, with each receding stroke of the active crushing member, the full distance allowed by the close CSS and open side OSS physical proportions of […]

Working Principle of Crushers


On left is a showing of the “standard gyratory with straight concaves” is a section through any vertical, radial plane in the crushing chamber of one of the intermediate sizes of the crusher. In order to understand the crushing action in such a chamber it is helpful to consider the process as though each step took […]