High Tension Belt Conveyor Installations

The high tension belt conveyor is introducing a new and tremendously expanded era of low cost bulk material handling. High tension belt conveyors are generally those installations involving very long centers, high lifts, or drops, in which the belts are stressed up to their maximum tension values, and further, where the belt construction provides tension […]
Laboratory Measurement of Relative Permeability
This paper presents the results of laboratory measurements of relative permeabilities to oil and gas on small core samples of reservoir rock by five methods, and describes the influences of such factors as boundary effect, hysteresis, and rate upon these measurements. The five methods used were the “Penn State,” the “single core dynamic,” the “gas […]
Soap Flotation

Flotation test work on Bolivian tin ores some years ago led to the development of several workable schemes of selective soap flotation, but left unanswered many questions of soap-flotation chemistry. Accordingly, the study of the activation and soap flotation of quartz just reported was undertaken as a start toward the elucidation of some of the […]
Steel Ingot Solidification

Steel has been chosen as the metal whose solidification will be used to tie in the principles discussed in the previous papers. Although steel is the most important practical example that could be chosen, its solidification is complicated by the presence of many elements added either intentionally or present as impurities. The liquid steel bath […]

During 1950 the jet-piercing process was used commercially in the piercing of primary blast-holes in magnetic taconite at the preliminary taconite plant of the Erie Mining Co., Aurora, Minn. To produce the blasthole, jet-piercing utilizes thermal energy, as contrasted with the application of mechanical energy in churn drills and jackhammers. The heart of the process […]

This paper presents in a general manner some of the applications of the DorrClone (Dutch States Mines cyclone) in the metallurgical and heavy chemical fields. Technical or mathematical analyses of the design factors and of the mechanism whereby the cyclone effects its separation have been capably treated in a series of previous papers. Engineering and […]
Activated Carbon & Cyanidation

In 1939 one of the authors described advances in carbon-cyanidation for the period 1932 to 1939 and included: (1) the dissolution of gold in an ore pulp by cyanide and its simultaneous adsorption by carbon, (2) the stage addition of adsorptive carbon and its movement countercurrent to the flow of the ore pulp, and (3) […]
Interstitial Water Determination

A knowledge of the magnitude of the irreducible interstitial water in a porous medium is so important to petroleum engineering that its determination has become routine in core analyses. In all geological formations there exists, in the pore spaces of the rock structure, water that is held in a state of equilibrium between capillary and […]
Electrolytic Copper Refinery of Slimes

The recent increase in anode copper production at the Noranda smelter placed an additional load on the Montreal East plant of Canadian Copper Refiners Limited. The consequent increase in the amount of anode slimes led to a careful consideration of the various methods of slimes treatment. Characteristics of the Slimes Anode slimes are made up […]
Laboratory Studies on Iron Ore Sintering and Testing

Some of the variables encountered in the sintering of iron ores and their effect on sinter properties have been investigated at the Jones and Laughlin Ore Research Laboratory in Michigan. Ores requiring agglomeration before blast furnace utilization may be classed as coarse, intermediate or fine. Coarse iron ore is considered similar to a —¼-in. Mesabi […]