Electric Gold Melting Furnace


The furnace described in this paper was installed and has been used by the writer for the melting of rich gold-bearing material, and has given complete satisfaction. It may, therefore, prove of interest to other metallurgists who are faced with a similar problem. A furnace of this type should be most suitable for the reduction […]

How Base Metals Affects Gold Bullion Assaying


Having shown the difficulty of assaying so-called cyanide bullion and the extreme variations often found in the results, an investigation was undertaken to discover, if possible, the causes of these variations by a series of tests upon the specific action of various metals during cupellation. What is the Effect of Zinc o Gold Assay In […]

Lead Refining Process


The building is a lofty, well-ventilated one of hardwood frame, with galvanized-iron walls and roof, and consists of five spans running north and south, covering a total length of 230 ft. Each span is composed of nine bays of 13-ft. centres, making the total width of the building 117 ft. The refinery is situated conveniently […]

Counter Current Decantation


The recovery of dissolved gold from slime pulp in the cyanide process was first accomplished by intermittent decantation. This simple process consists in mixing with the pulp containing the values in solution, a solution of lower gold content, settling the mixture in a tank and decanting the clear supernatant fluid. The thick pulp remaining in […]

Geology of Zinc Deposits MVD


I consider the lead and zinc deposits of the Mississippi Valley to be the result of descending waters. There are many features that we have not determined and yet when you see the general field relations, it seems to me that the cause and effect can be well explained by descending circulation. In the Joplin-Miami […]

Ball Milling


These notes are based on observations made while on a recent trip through the West, for the purpose of studying the practical operation of the ball mill. The writer takes this opportunity to express his thanks for courtesies extended at the many plants visited as well as for the valuable data received. While there are […]