Simple Flotation Flowsheet – 1 Product

DESCRIPTION: A Straight flotation flowsheet of one product showing flotation machine treating ground and classified pulp.

ORE TREATED: Base metal ores containing a single valuable mineral such as a copper or lead sulphide, and complex gold and silver ores, are economically handled with this simple flowsheet. It is commonly used where fine grinding is required and where the values can be concentrated into one marketable product.

ADVANTAGES: Where adaptable, a plant using this flowsheet can be built at a minimum expenditure. Flotation offers the cheapest and most effective method of concentration and its simplicity is leading to its use on many minerals other than sulphides, and particularly for the cleaning and concentration of such nonmetallics as coal (both bituminous and anthracite), limestone, fluorspar, graphite, potash, phosphate, feldspar, diatomite, and talc.

PROCESSING COMMENTS: While a large number of ores can be most economically treated with this flowsheet, the presence of more than one valuable mineral may make it advantageous to use selective flotation so that each valuable constituent can be marketed where the highest net return will be realized. Partially oxidized ores, or those containing friable and easily slimed minerals or metallics, may require the addition of a Unit Flash Flotation Cell or Mineral Jig to make the highest possible recovery. Any change necessary to fit this basic flowsheet to other specific conditions can be easily made by the addition of “Sub-A” or Unit Flotation Cells.

simple small plant flotation flowsheet