- Platinum-based alloys for high temperature and special applications
- Development of alternative techniques for matte level measurements in sulphide smelting furnaces
- Keynote Address Seismic method applied to platinum exploration, a success story
- Breakeven extraction factors for the Merensky Reef using stope width and market price simulation
- Data integration for structural interpretation in the Bushveld Complex
- The optimization of mining method and equipment
- The influence of mill speed and pulp density on the grinding efficiency for secondary stage grinding
- High pressure grinding rolls – applications for the platinum industry
- Alternative support systems for mechanized stopes
- High density slurry and paste tailings, transport systems
- Mintek, a national resource of minerals processing expertise for platinum ores
- Electrochemical studies of the interaction of ethyl xanthate with Pd-Bi-Te
- Thought processes during the project initiation phase
- Project success and performance evaluation
- A framework for the introduction of mechanized mining
- The relationship between the owner’s project team and the consultants project team
- Seamlessly integrating occupational health into business
- Considerations in the choice of primary access and transportation options in platinum mines
- Establishing the feasibility of your proposed mining venture
- DC arc smelting of difficult PGM-containing feed materials
- Occupational health risk assessment central to the management of occupational health
- Introduction of 3 m cable anchors as face support in timber-less stopes at Dishaba Mine
- Case study Using software optimization techniques for the optimal allocation of equipment in a mechanized underground mining environment
- Anglo American Platinums approach to resource classification case study-Boschkoppie Styldrift minewide UG2 project
- Measuring rock dumps from space How new technology could change the way we measure rock dumps and tailings dams
- Development of high-resolution 3D vertical seismic profiles
- The impact of entrained air and enhanced flow measurements at Eland platinum concentrator
- Non-invasive passive array technology for improved flow measurements of slurries and entrained air
- The minerals plant of the future – Leveraging automation and using intelligent colloborative environment
- Mine optimization and its application using the Anglo Platinum Mine Optimisation Tool (APMOT)
- Is there some commonality between the geological structures in the Bushveld Complex and the Great Dyke
- Optimization of mechanized mining layout within Anglo American Platinum
- Evaluation of net smelter returns in the South African PGE industry by application of base metal concentrate commercial treatment terms
- Review of mechanization within Lonmin
- Technology selection of stirred mills for energy efficiency in primary and regrinding applications for the platinum industry
- The use of high-pressure, water-hydraulic (hydropower) technology in South African narrow-reef, hard-rock mines
- A perspective on undergound support technologies in Southern African platinum mines to reduce safety risks and enhance productivity
- What is the best energy delivery system for hand-held stope drilling and associated equipment in narrow-reef hard rock mines
- Climate change Threats, challenges, and opportunities
- Preliminary evaluation of the proposed mining method at Eland Platinum Mine
- Corrosion of copper coolers in PGM smelters Mechanization – an Anglo Platinum perspective
- The oxidized ores of the main sulphide zone, Great Dyke, Zimbabwe turning resources into minable reserves – mineralogy is the key
- Total primary milling cost reduction by improved liner design
- The adsorption and elution of platinum group metals (Pt, Pd, and Au) from cyanide leach solutions using activated carbon
- Technologies for emissions reduction in the metallurgical and chemical process industries
- Spatial information management from multidisciplinary data
- A systematic approach to the optimization of extra low profile (XLP) mine productivity for narrow reef platinum mines
- Long hole drilling applied to narrow reef mining
- A hard rock narrow reef mining machine – ARM 1100
- Refrigeration and cooling concepts for ultra-deep platinum mining
- Hybrid Energy Flotation-On the optimization of fine and coarse particle kinetics in a single row
- The Kalahari Platinum project
- Blind boring system
- Resin bolting in South Africa platinum mines with a focus on development and stoping operations
- Real time mill management tools stabilizing your milling process
- Case study on quantitative risk modelling to obtain a realistic risk adjusted project valuation
- Hot corrosion behaviour of Pt-Alloys for application in the next generation of gas turbines
- Simultaneous mining and mineral processing enterprise optimization for the platinum industry
- Predictability of pothole characteristics and their spatial distribution at Rustenburg Platinum Mine (Rustenburg section)
- Effective process monitoring in underground mining
- Platinum II IV and rhodium III chemistry viewed through new eyes what new secrets can 195Pt and 103Rh NMR spectroscopy reveal about speciation as relevant to refining solutions
- Facies variation in the Merensky Reef at Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum mine
- Potential changes in the physical beneficiation processes that can improve the recovery grade or costs for the platinum group metals
- Development and implementation of a PGE mineral asset valuation curve
- Pilot and laboratory test procedures for the design of semi-autogenous grinding circuits treating platinum ores
- Implementing strategies to improve mill capacity and efficiency, with platinum references and case studies
- A framework to simplify the management of throughput and constraints
- How an object-orientated modelling approach for a mine option study can increase the quality of decision A case study
- Latest results of the slag cleaning reactor for copper recovery and its potential for the PGM industry
- Sustainable ore reserves generation at variable stoping rates for a UG2 conventional mining layout
- Geological interpretations from the PGE distribution in the Bushveld Merensky and UG2 chromitite reefs
- Development and testing of an underground remote refrigeration plant
- Computational fluid dynamic modelling of a three-phase electric smelting furnace in the platinum smelting process
- Stirred milling-new comminution technology in the PGM industry
- Statistical size analysis of potholes an attempt to estimate geological losses ahead of mining at Lonmins Marikana mining district
- Towards an improved pillar design methodology at Bathopele Mine
- The application of modifying factors to the Merensky Reef and UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex
- The energy and water required to drill a hole
- Highly efficient electric smelters for the platinum industry – SMS solutions for energy saving
- Energy considerations in the current PGM processing flowsheet utilizing new technologies
- Process and asset monitoring at a PGM concentrator for UG2 concentrate
- Saving energy by replacing compressed air with localized hydropower systems a half level model approach
- Hard-rock room and pillar mining best practice industry workshop
- The implementation of mechanized breast mining and the development of XLP equipment
- A conceptual study into optimizing the delivery of trackbound twin ends through trackless mechanized development
- Application of borehole radar to pothole identification and delineation ahead of the working face in platinum mines
- The development and implementation of the Lonmin mechanized breast mining
- Valuation of a mineral resource that has a compound metal content distribution an example based on the Merensky Reef at Wesizwe Platinum Limited’s Pilanesberg project
- Cost-effective pressure filtration for platinum concentrates
- Application potential of DC smelter technology for the platinum industry in South Africa
- Mine development – Access to deposit
- New Pt-based alloys for high temperature application in aggressive environments The next stage
- Using SmartTagTM to track ore in process integration and optimization projects Some case studies in a variety of applications
- No. 17 Shaft project-overcoming fourth generation technical challenges
- Building a database for the prediction of phases in Pt-based superalloys
- Fully autogenous grinding at Unki mine concentrator – A case of successful value engineering
- Nonlinear rock behaviour and its implications on deeper-level platinum mining
- The use of borehole radar in detecting disruptions in platiniferous horizons in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa-the financial implication
- Mining by rock cutting in narrow reefs
- Interaction of graphite with synthetic matte
- HPGR-revolution in Platinum
- Anglo Platinum Taking advantage of the current metal prices and shortage of platinum
- Towards electrode immersion control on Lonmin’s No. 1 circular furnace
- Fuel cell technology in underground mining
- A review on the progress towards PT-base superalloys for ultra high temperature applications
- A phased development schedule for a platinum concentrator by utilizing a dynamic stockpile model
- Intelligent gearing system – solution to understand and correct operational conditions that reduce the fatigue life of a girth gear
- The development of ultra-fine grinding at Anglo Platinum
- Rectangular furnace design and revolutionary DC-slag cleaning technology for the PGM industry
- Ultra fine grinding of intermediate flotation concentrates in the PGM industry at the Pt Mile operation on Anglo Platinum tailings
- Scraper winch pull force investigation
- Fine grinding-Developments in ceramic media technology and resulting improved plant performance at Anglo Platinum
- Electrode models for Soderberg electrodes
- The catalytic converter industry in South Africa
- Developing a tapblock diagnostic system
- An evaluation of steels selected for use within electric arc furnaces
- A practical approach to plant scale flotation optimization
- The estimation of platinum flotation grade from froth image features by using artificial neural networks
- A proposal for accurate consistent continuous feed into electric arc furnaces in the platinum industry
- Strategic mine planning-communicating uncertainty with scenarios
- The roasting of PGM-ore concentrates in a circulating fluidized bed
- Improving safety and security in platinum mining by utilizing the newest facial recognition technology
- Leading the next boom Competitive Eastern Limb platinum supply
- The development of a process flowsheet for the new Anglo Platinum, PPRust north concentrator, incorporating HPGR technology
- Hydrogeological properties of the UG2 pyroxenite aquifers of the Bushveld Complex
- Preconcentration of UG2 platinum ore economic benefits to mine plant and smelter
- Applied ergonomics for operator compartment design in an EJC 88 XLP loader
- Anglo Platinum extra low profile (XLP) mechanized equipment implementation-an update
- The application of Economic Modelling to enhance decision-making at Lonmin Platinum
- Ounces into pounds – how much is an in situ ounce of platinum worth
- Design constraints on trackless mining equipment in low and extra low stope hard rock mining
- Effluent treatment what role can modified waste biomass play in the local platinum industry- a review
- Application of fundamentals in optimizing platinum concentrator performance