Mine Stoppings
Table of ContentsClosing Openings with Waste MaterialsUrethane-Foam Sealed StoppingsStoppings from Concrete Blocks or WoodClosing Large Openings with Brattice ClothCost ConsiderationsConclusions Most of the mines with
Table of ContentsClosing Openings with Waste MaterialsUrethane-Foam Sealed StoppingsStoppings from Concrete Blocks or WoodClosing Large Openings with Brattice ClothCost ConsiderationsConclusions Most of the mines with
Table of ContentsTypes and Chemical Forms of Iron Oxide PigmentsTerminologySpecificationsManufactureProduction of Natural Iron Oxide PigmentsMines and Mining MethodsSize ReductionProduction of Synthetic Iron Oxide PigmentsThermal Decomposition
Table of ContentsDrilling Strength of RockThe Protodyakonov NumberAnalysisTest Procedure for the CRS and ResultsCorrelation of the CRS With Mechanical PropertiesThe CRS as a Drillability IndexPrediction
Table of ContentsRaw Materials35 Percent MgCl2 BrineSpray-Dried MgCl2Anhydrous MgCl2Organic Amine HydrochloridesEquipmentExperimental ProcedurePreparation of Feed Mixtures35 Percent MgCl2 BrineSpray-Dried MgCl2Operation of TestTests Under Atmospheric PressureTests Under
Table of ContentsMaterials and EquipmentExperimental ProceduresResults and DiscussionCyanidation and ElectrowinningCopper RecoveryConclusions One of the goals of the Bureau of Mines is to insure that an
Table of ContentsExperimental ProceduresResultsSolvent ExtractionPrecipitationElectrolysisConclusions The Bureau of Mines strives continually toward its goals of maximizing minerals and metals recovery from primary and secondary domestic
Table of ContentsEquipment and Operating Procedures10-cm Reactor15-cm ReactorExperimental Results and Discussion10-cm Reactor15-cm ReactorConclusions The present technology for processing copper sulfide ores involves pyro-metallurgical (smelting) and
Table of ContentsDescription of the SamplesExperimental StudiesLeaching With Sulfuric AcidReagent RequirementsEffect of Leaching TimeEffect of Oxidant AdditionAddition of a SurfactantComparison of the Two SamplesLeaching With
There is a wide difference in the floatability of coals of different rank, and even of the same rank, depending on whether they have been
Table of ContentsSmelting Copper Concentrates in an 800-Kva Electric FurnaceMaterials Used for Smelting in the Electric FurnaceEquipment Used During Smelting TestsOperating Procedures for the Smelting
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