Litmus Paper for pH Measurement

Litmus paper is paper treated with a blue dye that turns red when in contact with acids. The measurements are taken from the degree of color the paper turns, the deeper the red, the greater is the degree of acidity. Vice versa for alkalinity, the darker the blue, the more alkaline the substance is. A pH-meter on the other hand measures the degree of conductivity between an Alkaline or Acidic sample. Special care must always be taken with pH Meters they are delicate instruments and to maintain their accuracy it is necessary to be very careful when handling them.

A method of measurement was devised called a pH SCALE. It starts at 0 and continues to 14.

pH 7 is considered on the ACIDIC side of the scale from 7 to 14 is considered the ALKALINE side of the scale and 7 represents being neutral.

Litmus paper Acid-base-indicators