Hydrometallurgy Articles

  1. Clean and efficient roasting solutions with Outotec’s cutting-edge technology
  2. Closed circuit precious metals extraction with recycled halogens
  3. Conventional or high capacity thickeners a better choice to make
  4. Correlating microstructure with simulated process parameters in MG high-pressure die-castings
  5. Critical Aspects of low grade ore benefication
  6. Detecting the direction of flow in liquid aluminum using an inverse heat transfer technique
  7. Dissolution of low grade gold-bearing material with chloride chlorine solutions
  8. Drosrite plus treatment of aluminum and zinc drosses
  9. Elemental sulfur removal from hydrometallurgical leach residue via polysulfides process considerations
  10. Factors influencing the residence time distribution in continuously fed batch tapped furnaces
  11. Fluid red roasting of metal ores and concentrates for arsenic removal
  12. Hydrothermal preparation and characterization of LiMn2O4 for LI-ION Battery application
  13. Industrial evaluation of sonic injection in a pierce-smith converter at the lonmin platinum smelter
  14. Influence of the CaO2 Al2O3 and Fe3O4 Content in the slag of the Isamelt furnace at southern peru ILO Smelter
  15. Leaching Behavior of the roasted nickel calcine
  16. Liquid-liquid-liquid three phase extraction a promising strategy for multi-metal separation from complex systems
  17. Major reduction of the environmental footprint in concentrate drying
  18. Management of environmental emissions at boliden harjavalta oys smelter
  19. Mechanochemical processing of enargite from arsenic elimination to nanocopper production
  20. Metallurgical process advances historically reduce resource use and pollution
  21. Open access to metallurgical publications
  22. Preliminary investigation for the development of a leaching technology for gold extraction from the buzwagi copper sulphide ores
  23. Red herrings on the path of technology development capital destruction in the pursuit of a bad idea
  24. Redesign of furnace no. 1 at the pobuzhsky ferronickel combine
  25. Saprolite leaching and iron control in magnesium chloride brines
  26. Simultaneous recovery of valuable metals from automotive catalysts through hydrometallurgical processing
  27. Technology of high-purity silicon dioxide production
  28. The capture concentration and conversion of waste heat to electricity in pyro-metallurgical industries
  29. Thermal plasma torches for metallurgical applications
  30. Towards sonic injection in peirce smith converters a computational fluid dynamics (cfd) modelling study
  31. Treatment of hydromet processing crude using decanter centrifuge
  32. Triple segmented intercell bar a contribution in copper electrowinning
  33. A Mathematical model for direct thermal heat recovery from metallurgical slags
  34. Bioleaching of pyrrhotite tailings for NI Extraction Initial scoping tests