The Laboratory Riffle Splitter is a simple, inexpensive unit with no moving parts to break or wear out and the advantages of the design of this unit are easily apparent over others of similar pattern. Division channels perform splitting and a final separation of the channel discharges into two representative parts is accomplished by having every other division channel deliver into the same receptacle. The division channels are steep enough to prevent clogging and are quickly and thoroughly cleaned.canada manufacturer

This unit is substantially constructed and is the handiest, most convenient, and most accurate sample splitter yet devised for hand operation. The hopper is set in a rigid, four-legged support, and additional equipment consists of a scoop, four sampling pans, and a cleaning brush. Let us make recommendations for the best size and type sampling equipment for use in your particular laboratory.

The riffle splitter includes a riffle, stand and pan in galvanized steel or stainless steel. A dust outlet in the corner of the splitter is to be connected to your dust extraction system which will keep the environment clean. The unit includes two drawers and slagging tables and customized tables are available. The units are available in various combinations of 228mm or 304mm widths and 457mm or 304mm lengths with riffle spacing ranging from 9.5mm to 25.4mm.
