The IGR 100 Modular & Portable Small Scale One Man Gold Wash Plant is a self-contained fine gold recovery equipment system. It uses classification and enhanced gravity to assure you are catching the finest gold and the big nuggets. In the standard configuration material flows as follows:
The miner feeds sand/gravel into the vibrating screen
The screen divides your feed into 2mm plus & 2 mm minus size fractions
The 2mm plus passes over the screen, over the Mini Grizzly & the Sluice
The 2mm minus will pass through the screen & down to the slurry pump
The pump will move the fine material up & into the concentrator
This 2 class process is designed by Metallurgical Engineers for maximum recovery of precious heavy minerals.
Capacity: 2 tons per hour passing the screen to the concentrator.
The feed to the screen will be greater depending on the size distribution of your material Electrical Requirement: 8kW 220Volt Generator, Single Phase Water Consumption: 50 mm external pump is suggested (not included)
The Complete Fine Gold Processing Plant includes one:
iCON i150 Concentrator
iCON iPump 1.0
iCON iScreen 12″ x 24″ with 2mm screen
Mini Grizzly and Sluice to capture and ‘Screen Oversize’ that you have
Control Station to conveniently arrange your electrical and water supplies
iPumps can be used to supply the concentrator and/or to conveniently put tails where you want them. This convenient slurry pump can save hours of labor and easily move your feed and/or tails long distances or uphill. (see performance curve supplied). The iPump is designed by professional engineers using Ni-Hard-4 for the impeller to ensure long life and reliability. iPump is supplied with a VFD to allow the user to easily adjust the flow rate and to connect the pump to a standard single phase electric generator.
iScreen is supplied with a 2mm screen. This matches the maximum feed size of the concentrator. The iScreen can conveniently classify your material into 2 size fractions, ‘2mm plus’, ‘2mm minus.’ iScreen uses a high quality Italvibras motor and is supplied with a VFD to adjust the frequency of vibration.
A mini Grizzly and nugget trap are provided to capture any ‘screen oversize’ that you may have. This will give you great confidence that you are collecting the maximum size range of your gold from the finest gold caught in the concentrator to any nuggets caught in the grizzly.The control station is simply a mounting rack to organize your water lines and electrical wiring. It comes with a water manifold to distribute 1 input source of clean water to various functions in the IGR 100 Plant. The control station is intended to mount the VFD supplied with each component.
All components in this Gold Processing Plant are matched in capacity and transportable in the field. Each item comes with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). These allow the use to easily adjust each item to their needs. The VFDs also allow operation from different types of power supplies used around the world. VFDs are rainproof and suitable for outdoor service. All components are designed to connect to a standard 220 Volt, 1 phase gasoline powered generator.
The Gold Processing Plant control station includes the water distribution manifold.
The large barb on the left-hand side is the clean water connection. Connect this to a pump capable of supplying both the clean process water near 15 L/M and the slurry water near 77 L/m (to make 30% solids at 2 tph) at 15 psi.
Using the large diameter hose supplied (¾”) connect the large valve from the manifold to the brass barb on the concentrator. The supply valve on the manifold will remain fully open for operation.
Using the small diameter hose supplied (½”) connect 2 valves to the matched size barbs on the screen. During operation the valves on the water distribution manifold will be used to regulate the water to the spray bars on the screen. Open the valves sufficiently for the spray to fan across the full width of the screen.
There is an additional valve included on the distribution manifold. This is not required and could be used for other accessories as needed.
The important thing to note is that the iCON components all use 3phase 220 volts. The user only needs to supply 1phase 220 volts. The VFDs provided clean/regulate the power, control the frequency and convert 1 phase voltage to 3 phase.
Lines from the VFDs to the motors require 4 conductors: 3 lines and ground.
Supply lines from the customer’s source (outlet or generator) to the distribution box (grey box mounted on the upper left of the stand) and from the distribution box to the VFDs require only 3 conductors: 2 lines and ground.
Mount the 3 VFDs on the stand using the nuts & bolts supplied.
Using the supplied 3 conductor wire, cut 3 lengths to fit from the distribution box to each of the VFDs. These lengths will be approximately 1.5 to 3 feet. Use the remaining 3 conductor wire to connect the user supply to the distribution box.
Inside of the distribution box join the 4 green wires together using wire nuts or electrical tape. The green wires can be attached to the steel frame if desired. Join each of the other matching colors together using either wire nuts or electrical tape.
Join the 3 conductor supply wires inside of each VFD. Use caution to insure that no wires accidently touch another. The green wires attach to the ground prong just as the existing green wire is attached.
The Line 1 and Line 2 connect to the supply leads as described in figure, page 14 of the VFD manual.
As the electrical plugs add room for error, it is recommended to test each item connected directly to the VFD prior to using the plugs/sockets.
After confirming functionality without the electrical plugs, one can install them taking note of the instruction on the plastic packages. The most important thing is assure that the green/ground wires connect from the plug to the socket. The terminals are colored green to help assure this is done correctly. The arrangement of the other 3 wires is up to the user. It the equipment rotates in the wrong direction – simply swap any 2 of 3 wires as described below.
First confirm that the voltage to input is 200 to 240 VAC. The VFDs will have red lights when power is supplied.
Gold Process Plant Pump Curve
On the pump, press the green start button and use the arrow to set the hertz to 10. As you look down on the pump, it must rotate clockwise. This means the slurry will be thrown in the direction of the pump outlet. If rotation is not correct, simply swap the connection for any 2 of the 3 wires from the VFD to the pump motor. The pump is limited to 70 hertz. Do not operate the pump for any longer than required to verify the rotation without water.
Test the Gold Processing concentrator be pressing the green button and using the arrow to rotate at 10 hertz. The direction of rotation is not important. The pump is limited to 50 hertz from the factory. Do not operate for longer than required to verify functionality without water supplied to the fluid coupling. The concentrator may squeak initially and may have the odor of warm rubber. This is not a concern as there is an o-ring that must be broken-in.
On the Gold Processing screen, press the green button on the VFD to start vibration. Use the arrows to increase the vibration to it maximum. Test a small amount of sand on the screen. If the wet material seems to bounce down hill, then change the rotation of the motor by swapping any 2 of the 3 wires from the VFD to the screen.
Please refer to the photos and drawing for the physical arrangement of the Gold Processing Plant equipment.
The screen is designed to classify the material in 2 size fractions. The sand finer than 2 mm will pass through the screen and will be pumped to the concentrator. Therefore, the outlet of the screen must feed into the pump. The vertical height can be arranged using the shipping pallets if desired.
The sluice attaches to the tails outlet of the concentrator. The sluice is not intended to catch fine gold. The sluice used the volume of water from the concentrator tails to carry the material over the riffles.
The screen must be located with the finger grizzly above the sluice. At material too large to pass through the screen reaches the grizzly, the material finer than 6mm will fall through the grizzly and to the sluice – intended only as a nugget trap. Any material bigger than 6mm and therefore passing over the finger grizzly will be rejected by the system.
The user will find the 2 class system, Concentrator and Nugget trap to be highly effective for recovering alluvial gold and other precious metals.