

The iCON IGR 1000 is a semi-portable Gold Wash Plant that includes a scrubber/trommel and was designed by experienced mineral processing engineers. The classification process (double deck screen) assures that you are capturing both the big gold and fine gold efficiently. In this process, the grizzly will reject and rock larger than 75 mm. The rotating scrubber will then wash the feed and break up any clay. Next, the screen will classify the material. Any rock over 8mm will be rejected to tails. The material between 8mm and 2mm will be directed to the sluice. Material passing the 2mm screen will flow to the iPump which conveniently moves the slurry to the concentrators – wherever you choose to locate them.canada manufacturer

Using 2 gravity concentrators, the feed to the plant must be stopped to rinse the batch concentrators. Depending on your feed this may be every 2 hours. Installation of a third concentrator will allow continuous operation of the plant: 2 concentrators will be operating while the third is being rinsed.

This skid-mounted unit ships inside of a 20’ container which you get to keep. The iPump allows you to locate the concentrators away from the plant in the security of the container/Gold Room.

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