Gold Prospector – Mineralogy and Microscopy for Prospecting

Small Gold Prospectors, Miners and Processors needing simple DIY mineralogy or microscopy work can take advantage of the fact that a gold shaker table behaves as some kind of a classifying device and view their gold sample directly under a microscope without all the preparation work.  You can take any of your Prospecting products and look at it under any of the good scopes I pointed out to you up here.

Analysis Shaker Table Products under Microscope


DIY mineralogy or microscopy & gold microscopy
I had not looked at gold under the microscope yet. Here is MineralResource is doing it using a hard to find Leica S8 microscope and Canon EOS 5D camera.

Read the full details of Cheap Mineralogy/Microscope.

coarse_gold coarse_gold_pan coarse_gold_nuggets