Calculate Dilution Water to Obtain Slurry Density
Calculate How Much Energy is Stored in a Flywheel
Equivalent Round and Square Screen Openings
Milling Methods and Costs
What is the Weight of a Steel Grinding Ball
Typical Ball Mill Charge Levels
Here is a table that approximates how much steel charge, or how many tonnes to steel balls are needed to obtain a given type of grind in a specific size mill. The table assumes you are running the mill at 50% charge.
Small Mineral Processing Pilot Plant Equipment List
BTU Energy Required to Dry Ores and Concentrates
To Drive off Moisture (theoretical) per Ton (2,000 lbs.) of Dry Material. Total B.T.U. include 63,840 B.T.U. to raise temperature of material from 60° F. to 212° F. at which point evaporation takes place (at sea level); specific beat of material taken as 0.21. Coal assumed to have 12,000 B.T.U. per’lb. as used and is […]
Liquid-Solid Relationships Specific Gravity
Gravity Specific Volume Practically all metals occur as minerals in the earth’s crust. One of the most important characteristics of minerals is the relative weight, usually measured as specific gravity. The specific gravity of a solid or liquid is the ratio of its Weight to the weight of an equal volume of water under standard […]
Calculate the Capacity of an Agitator & Conditioner
Example 1) It is desired to give 48 hours of contact on 100 tons per 24 hours of 2.7 specific gravity ore in a pulp of 40% solids (1:1.5). What size agitators will be needed? Total volume equals 59.85 –> from our Pulp Density tables. Tons feed equal 100. 59.85 time 100 equals 5,985 cu. ft. (total […]