Basic Geological Survey Method


Much of Basic Geological Survey Methods consist of calculating areas.—To find the distance from an inaccessible place. —To solve problems in connection with adits, shafts, lodes of a mine.—Position of a shaft with regard to a lode. In ordinary surveying, a Gunter’s chain 66 feet long, and consisting of 100 links, each tenth one of […]

How to Determine the Elemental Composition of Minerals


Pure Minerals always Have same Composition A pure mineral, one that is not mixed with any other mineral, is always of the same composition (certain exceptions). For example, iron pyrites is composed of iron and sulphur, in the proportion of 46.67% of iron and 53.33% of sulphur; and any specimen of the pure mineral will, […]

Equipment Sizing: Crusher or Grinding Mill

Table helps Determine How to Size a Crusher

UNTIL THE THIRD THEORY OF COMMINUTION of “Work Index” method of determining crushing and grinding mill size was introduced, there was no way of accurately figuring the most applicable, most economical size of crushing and grinding mill. Naturally, with little or no factual operating data correlated in useful form, it was easy enough, even for […]

Flotation Circuit Process Control


Our subject is “CLASSIC or Not so Advanced but yet Fundamental Flotation Circuit Process Control” Some of you may be familiar with the process; to others it remains a mysterious scheme. To you all I wish to emphasize one point, i. e., flotation is still now more of a science VS art. Our scientific data has […]

Mineral Processing and Ore Dressing

Sub A Flotation

Before the event of ore dressing, crude ores were shipped directly to the smelters, or the refineries, with the shipper paying the freight and treatment charges. These charges varied with the type of ore and the distance from the smelter. In all cases they were many times our modem milling costs. While the smelter recovered […]

Weights of Minerals and Materials

Weights of Minerals and Materials

Source: This article is a reproduction of an excerpt of “In the Public Domain” documents held in 911Metallurgy Corp’s private library.

How to Operate a Grinding Circuit

ball mill grinding circuit operating and troubleshooting parameter table

How hard a ball mill operator has to work depends partly on himself, and partly on the kind of muck the mine sends over to the mill. In some plants, the ore may change two or three times a shift, and a ball mill operator has to keep on his toes. That’s why it would […]

How to Operate a Flotation Circuit


The main idea in collecting the information you’ll find in the following discussion was to help you, as a flotation machine operator. Regardless of how much or how little you know about it, the ideas you’ll find here can help you do a better job, if you want them to. Naturally your company is anxious to […]