How Abrasion Index affects Wear Rates
What is the relationship between Abrasion Index affects Wear Rates of steel ball mill and rod mill liners as well as the wear life or consumption of grinding balls or rods. A little bit of data on crusher (gyratory and roll) liner wear life in also shown. Rubber wear data.
Pulp Density Solids to SG Convertor Calculator
Useful Buying Guide: Best calculators for engineers
XRF Sample Preparation Methods/Procedure
What is x-ray fluorescence and why is XRF sample preparation is important for correct XRF analysis. This is a little introduction to some of our instruments; from left to right we have the X-MET7000 series these hand held analyzers are great for their versatility and portability, the X-Supreme in the middle is used for bulk analysis […]
Mineral Processing Glossary
A ABC Assay Based Controls are changes made to regulatory set-points that are biased on the level or changes in the level of the valuable metal being recovered. Activators Cause a particular mineral to float with a collector when it otherwise would not. Adsorption The gathering of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on […]
Locked Cycle Test Procedure – One (1) Product
Here are rough instructions to perform a sequential flotation locked cycle test procedure to assess the overall metallurgy of an ore sample expected to produce only 1 concentrate product. The procedures described in this Method are to be used as a guideline only. The final test conditions and flowsheet are actually determined from in-house experimental investigations. Preparation […]
D12 Agitator Speed for Laboratory Flotation Test
In a lab float test, you adjust to agitator’s RPM based on the volume of the tank you’re working with. Here are suggestions. Rougher Cell: Total cell volume =3.3 liters Slurry volume = 2.5 liters (until this mark slurry filled) –> I use 1000 g test charges Cleaner Cell: Total cell volume =1.75 liters Slurry […]
D12 Laboratory Flotation Machine Parts
I find the parts for a ‘Denver’ D-12 Laboratory Flotation Machine/Cell to be overpriced. From the tank-cell to the agitator blades, Urethane Diffuser Hood, or Impeller and specifically the Tachometer. The primitive D12 Tachometer on a friend’s my D-12 has broken. Refusing to pay $2000 for part of of machine bought used for $10,000 (even […]
Reduction Potential Gold
The oxidation-reduction (dissolution and precipitation) of gold from Au –> Au+ +e- is driven by this equation. Without using a gold periodic table or a oxidation potential chart, you can simply review the chemistry here: Figure 1 is Au–H2O system: No stability region for gold ions between lines; can’t dissolve Au in aqueous solutions (for now) Figure […]
Can you turn Copper into Gold
See how you can turn copper into gold:
Ball Mill Motor/Power Sizing Calculation
A) Total Apparent Volumetric Charge Filling – including balls and excess slurry on top of the ball charge, plus the interstitial voids in between the balls – expressed as a percentage of the net internal mill volume (inside liners). B) Overflow Discharge Mills operating at low ball fillings – slurry may accumulate on top of […]