Smelter Slags and Mattes Transport


It is obvious that the choice of the method to be employed in the handling of blast-furnace slags and mattes depends upon local facilities and conditions which may indicate as advisable some particular plan. As a result of the variety of such conditions hardly any two smelters use identically the same method, though they be […]

Electrolytic Assay


The analysis of refined copper is a subject of great importance, and has not received the attention it deserves. Copper metallurgists, therefore, will welcome the paper of Mr. Heath with satisfaction. The state of the art of the chemical analysis of copper has been such that consumers, if they could not afford to run any […]

Assay Determination of Arsenic & Antimony

Determination of Arsenic and Antimony Together: Instead of separating arsenic from antimony in the hydrochloric-tartaric acid solution which was finally obtained, dilute the solution to four times its volume; pass sulphuretted hydrogen to saturation; filter the combined sulphides on a 4 cm. filter (weighed and dried in weigh-bottle at 110° C.); wash with water, absolute alcohol, […]

Refining of Gold Sulphide with Sulphurous Acid & Hydrogen Sulphide


Since the introduction of the improved method of precipitating gold from chlorine solution by SO2 and H2S at the Golden Reward chlorination-works, Deadwood, S. D., this modern method has been further adopted in the chlorination-works. It has proved practically most successful in the handling of large quantities of gold solution, and constitutes up to date, […]

Ore Roasting & Oxidizing Furnace


This furnace is designed especially for the oxidation of sulphur or arsenic in pyritic ores, but may be used for all oxidizing or desulphurizing operations, and for calcining, roasting and chloridizing ores, or for drying ores in large quantities preparatory to treatment by magnetic separators or otherwise. It is of the tabular, revolving type, with […]

Extraction Method of Silver Lead by Smelting


Although the subject has no practical bearing on the metallurgy of the present day, it may not be entirely uninteresting to note how the art of silver-lead smelting has been, and in a few remote districts of Peru is still practiced by an old method, and under conditions widely different from our own. The subject […]

Precipitation of Metals from Hyposulphite Solutions


Metallurgical processes cannot be conducted successfully without the aid of analytical chemistry. The great perfection of lead-smelting in the West, for instance, has only been accomplished by the analysis of ores, fluxes, slags and all products of the furnace. Ores are mixed and fluxed to obtain a slag of desired composition. Account is even taken […]

Roasting Furnace

upper end of howell furnace

Invented and first put into use, a “new and useful improvement in rotary ore roasting furnaces,” which was intended “to increase the capacity, effectiveness and working economies of such furnaces.” The following description and accompanying figures are taken from the patent papers: Fig. 1 is a side elevation of the feed-end of the Howell rotary […]

Silver Ingot Melting


The method of making silver ingots in use at this Mint being radically different from that employed at any other Mint of the United States or, so far as known to me, any Mint in the world, there may be some interest in a description of the apparatus used and a brief history of its […]