Centrifugal Slurry Pump Wear
Over the last fifteen years numerical methods have been developed to enable the calculation of Centrifugal Slurry Pump Wear. The solids and slurries involved vary tremendously, and with the limitations of the calculating methods, total accuracy cannot be obtained. However, by calibrating the results with field data, the calculated data has proven to be quite […]
Fire Resistance of Conveyor Belts
Conveyor belt fires can present a serious hazard in the confined environment of an underground coal mine. To minimize this hazard, Federal regulations were enacted following the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 to require the use of acceptable fire-resistant conveyor belts and suitable belt slippage-sequence switches, fire warning devices, and fire […]
How to Reduce Pumping Cost
The prime objective of this paper is to call attention to possibilities of reducing the cost of pumping, generally by reducing inflow into the mine area. A surprising number of ways have been used to do it. To show the potential benefits of reducing pumping this paper emphasizes both the un-quantified and the obvious costs. […]
Pit Dewatering
Steady-State Pit Dewatering Simulations: Steady-state simulations of the observed potentiometric surface of the aquifer were used to calibrate the model. Calibration is the procedure by which initial input parameter values are adjusted to produce a more accurate simulation of the observed potentiometric surface. Initially, the field values of hydraulic conductivity, aquifer recharge, streambed permeability, and […]
Overland Belt Conveyors
The answer to the question of how to economically move bulk materials for the industrial plant is an important facet of plant engineering. Should it be by rail, truck, tramway, water, belt conveyor, or a combination of these methods? Each system is different, and must be examined. Proximity to navigable water, terrain, availability of land, […]
Centrifugal Elevator: Gold Dredge Tailings Transportation
The centrifugal elevator invented and patented by the writer is designed for the purpose of conveying the tailings of a gold dredge to such a distance that they shall not impede the dredging operations. Formerly this was usually accomplished by means of a belt of buckets travelling round a ladder set at an angle of […]
Water Wheel Design & Construction
Opinions differ as to whether the water-wheel almost universally known as the Pelton type belongs to the impulse, the tangential, the reactive, the jet or the percussion class, or to a cross between two or more of these classes. The fact is, that for an almost infinitesimal part of a second the axis of the […]
Conveyor Belts
About six years ago the writer had occasion to visit a large magnetic iron-ore concentrating-plant, and then saw for the first time rubber belts employed for conveying-purposes. These Conveyor Belts were from 20 inches to 30 inches in width, and some of them were as long as 500 feet between centers. When I spoke of […]