Mineral Hardness Kit

A Mineral Hardness Kit is made up of reference rocks and mineral samples and a scratching tool. Test Kits will often contain with (9) specimens: gypsum, talc, calcite, fluorite, apatite, orthoclase, quartz, topaz and corundum. Use will use a nail or scratching tool to see if you can scratch any of the minerals in the box you purchased. […]
Rocks and Crystals

World Zinc Inventory

Effect Of Primary Grind Size On Mineral Liberation

The extrapolated ore fragmentation and copper sulphide liberation plots reveal that the liberation levels and hence the flotation responses of the minerals would be essentially constant across a broad range of flotation feed sizing. This observation would indicate that flotation feed sizing coarser than 200µm K80, the practical norm for copper porphyry ore processing worldwide, […]
Mineralogy Point Count Procedure

The point count procedure was to select an appropriate magnification for the micro mount ranging between 100 – 1000 times normal, and then setting a 10×10 square graticule randomly on the field. Mineral grains which were intersected by the graticule cross hairs, were identified and recorded and entered directly into the computer using a […]
Measure and Evaluate Flotation Tail Losses

In this example, the losses of chalcopyrite to the copper scavenger tail is equivalent to about 10 percent of the copper in the ore. Losses of liberated chalcopyrite are minimal accounting for less than 1% of the copper in the feed. Most of these losses occurred as grains sized smaller than 14µm in equivalent diameter. About 55% of the […]
Mineralogical Liberation in Mineral Processing

When looking at your concentrate samples under the microscope in a size by size base, and want to evaluate your liberation % you can use this table.
Cheap Copper VS Strong Euro

Copper’s price is depreciating for the past years while Euro starts to strengthen compared to US dollar, thus, many industries that use copper in their products see it as an advantage. The conditions of the copper and Euro are certainly favourable to several businesses as they could acquire higher profit. It is a very unusual […]
What is the Relationship between Head Grade and Mineral Liberation

Some plant operators claim their metallurgical recovery targets are harder, more difficult, to meet as head grades drops down. Is it true or is it just voodoo? Using Mineralogy can answer this question scientifically. Relationship between Head Grade and Mineral Liberation EXAMPLE The red/white dot points to the actual monthly liberation of 42% VS history. […]
Effect of Regrind on Grade and Recovery

How do you know if or when regrinding and applying further liberation power can improve your metal’s recovery? Below here is data showing what is to be gained by correctly applying regrind to a copper stream. On the graph, the red/white dot points to where the plan currently is light green Grade-Recovery curve VS where is could be on […]