How much Horsepower HP is required to Lift Water to Different Heights

Horsepower theoretically required for pumping water equals the gallons per minute multiplied by the head in feet, and divided by 4.000 For power recommended, divide by 2000 instead of 4000.
How much water in a foot of pipe

Calculate How Much Energy is Stored in a Flywheel

Small Mineral Processing Pilot Plant Equipment List

BTU Energy Required to Dry Ores and Concentrates

To Drive off Moisture (theoretical) per Ton (2,000 lbs.) of Dry Material. Total B.T.U. include 63,840 B.T.U. to raise temperature of material from 60° F. to 212° F. at which point evaporation takes place (at sea level); specific beat of material taken as 0.21. Coal assumed to have 12,000 B.T.U. per’lb. as used and is […]
Ball Mill Drawing

10 Ways to Murder Conveyor Belts

DR-300 Flotation Agitator Mechanism Drawings

DR-300 Diffuser Assembly and DR300 FLOTATION AGITATOR DRAWINGS and DR-300 WEAR RING FINISHED DR-300 9 VAIN IMP FIN and DR-300 12 VAIN IMP FIN and DR-300 Air Bell NO METAL INSERT M-0046 DR-300 Flotation cell cross section profile Drawings and DR Flotation Cells-Machines brochure and DR 300 500 1500 Flotation Cell Drawings
Rotary Kiln Alignment
Read a great how-to guides on Rotary Kiln Alignment and Alignment of Rotary Kilns as well as this full instruction video.
Rotary Kiln Lining

The lining of the rotary kiln is of the utmost importance, and great care should not only be exercised in selecting the class of brick, but to see that it is well fitted in the kiln in order that success may be achieved. Fortunately, manufacturers are closely studying the question, and are now producing an […]