Dredge Mining

The dredge selected for the project was the Para. It is purportedly the largest discountable dredge in the world. Two weeks after its arrival at the project site by rail, the Para was ready to operate. The Para has a 0.75 m (29½ inch) suction and a 0.70 m (27½ inch) discharge. It has 600 […]

Install Jig in Grinding Circuit to Recover Gold

The project consisted of installing one jig and one belt strake on each of the four grinding sections. A portion of the circulating load in the ball mill circuit is pumped to the jig. The jig is placed over the top of the belt strake. The concentrate from the jig flows onto the belt strake. […]

Tungsten & Gold Recovery Scheelite Ores

Investigations were conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Mines to develop flowsheets for the recovery of tungsten and gold from four Alaskan scheelite-bearing ores. Basic gravity concentration and cyanide leach tests were performed on all samples. About 46 pct of the tungsten and 30 pct of the gold from one sample were recovered in a […]

Gravity Recovery -500 Mesh Particles in Jig

The packed jig is a column filled with corrugated diagonal packing. A slurry of mixed particles, the ore, is fed into the middle of the column. Water enters the column near the bottom as both a steady state and a pulsating flow. The pulsating water sets up a jigging action that interacts with the packing […]

How to Recover Chromite

The USBM conducted laboratory research including operating a nominal 100 lb/h pilot plant to demonstrate the recovery and concentration of chromite by gravity and flotation operations. Gravity beneficiation test results show that concentrates contained as much as 52 pct chromic oxide (Cr2O3) with recoveries of about 80 pct. Results from the bench-scale unit operations of […]

Ground Sluicing Operations

In ground sluicing the gravel is excavated by running water not under pressure. Booming is a variation of ground sluicing in which water is stored in reservoirs and is intermittently discharged in large volumes over short periods to obtain the maximum erosional and transporting effect on the gravel. The most favorable conditions for ground sluicing […]

Placer Mining Equipment

Specific placer mining equipment is needed for each of the methods which can be classified according to the several methods of excavating and transporting the gravel, or they may be designated to correspond with the various ways of saving the gold. The actual moving of the gravel from place is always the principal concern of […]

Placer Gold Prospecting Equipment

The outfit to be taken on a prospecting trip depends upon the mode of transportation, the work contemplated, and the funds available. Enough equipment should be taken, but unnecessary articles make extra work. When a more or less permanent camp is established, added equipment for personal comfort and efficiency can be obtained. Usually a cabin […]

Evaluate Spiral Concentrator Circuit Performance

Circuit analysis can be used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of various configurations of unit operations in mineral and coal processing circuits. This powerful tool, has regretfully seen only limited application in the analysis of coal processing circuits. Strictly speaking, this method can only be applied if particle-particle interactions do not influence the probability that […]

Inline Pressure Jig

Figure 1. Flow of material through Inline Pressure Jig. The feed is introduced through the feed pipe and distributor 1. The feed slurry is turned around in the distributor and flows out into area 2. which is called deceleration chamber. Due to the large volume of the deceleration chamber the flow rate drops below a […]