Shaker Table & Fine Particles Classification

The adaptation of European methods of concentrating ores to suit the conditions of this country has followed the lines that simplify machinery, diminish labor and increase capacity. Noteworthy instances are the substitution of hydraulic classifiers for the last one or two trommels in the series, and the substitution of a distributing-tank for the slimes in […]

Plunger Jig & Accelerated Jig

In the discussion of my paper on “ Close Sizing Before Jigging,” Mr. Louis remarks: “ What we really need to know as the basis of any consistent theory (of jigging) is what occurs during each hundredth of a second.” It is clear that for the further study of the laws involved, a jig-tester is […]

Working Principles of Jig: Pulsion & Suction

Jig Acceleration Rittinger, having found that jigs save galena of smaller sizes than his formula, worked out in his appendix of the theory of acceleration to account for that fact, showing that a particle of galena which is equal-settling with a particle of quartz reaches its maximum velocity in perhaps one-tenth the time required by […]

Pre-Sizing Jig Feed Classification

The extent to which sizing by sieves should be carried, as a preliminary to the separation, by jigging, of minerals of different specific gravities, has been a matter of controversy for many years. The subject has been investigated by several authorities, yet the ground does not seem to have been completely covered, nor are the […]

Magnetite Processing & Extraction Jig

This Conkling Jig (ore-concentrating machine or jig), as it is called, is not entirely unknown, having been used at several places with more or less success; but as yet, I believe, no drawings of it or records of its work have found a place in print. Although the jig will be found to be merely […]

RP4 Shaker Table

RP4 Shaker Table - 911Metallurgist

RP-4 Shaker Table Instructions Manual RP-4 GOLD SHAKER TABLE All RP4 shaker tables operate best when firmly secured to a dense solid mounting base. Wooden stands will set up harmonics and vibrations. Dense concrete or solid bedrock is preferred or a heavy braced steel table sitting on concrete. Mount shaker table to solid bed rock […]

Best Recovery of Gold by Size: Fine to Coarse Particles

Best Recovery of Gold by Size: Fine to Coarse Particles - 911Metallurgist

Many types of efficient placer gold recovery equipment are available today. The choices facing those designing a recovery system for a particular site are not easily made. A major consideration, of course, is cost versus recovery, but other factors must also be considered when designing an effective system. The size distribution of the gold is […]