Hydraulic Sluicing


Supposing that a claim is suitable for hydraulic sluicing, the first thing to do would be to ascertain what is the probable volume and pressure of the water supply. This can be closely approximated by means of an aneroid survey. The facilities for the disposal of the tailings should next be ascertained. As mentioned before, […]

Prospecting Dredge California

In considering the prospective value of dredging ground there are many conditions to be taken into account besides its actual gold content; it is like all other classes of mines in this respect. As a prominent mining engineer recently said: ‘‘Each mine is a law unto itself.” Likewise each dredging scheme must be considered strictly […]

Gold Dredging


The working of gold alluvial deposits by dredging has from all times been a popular form of mining, not only from the simplicity of its operations, but also, in its more primitive stages, from the possibility of carrying it on without large capital, without skilled labour, expensive plant, long terms of preparatory work, or, in fact, any […]

Amalgamation of Gold & Mercury


Any amalgamation test is found to possess most merits and fewest limitations when reduced to the smallest possible dimensions permitting uniform action and certain treatment. A limit is always reached at some point in this reduction in size, where some condition no longer can be fulfilled. In many continuous mechanical tests the limit is set […]

Vanning Buddle Concentrator

I tested an ore, which was peculiarly difficult to treat, on several concentrators then in general use, including the Frue-vanner, the Luhrig table and the Cornish buddle. Owing to the character of the ore it had to be crushed- to a very fine state of division, and the results obtained were far from satisfactory; a […]

Free Milling Gold Laboratory Testing

Friends often ask how accurate the work of our little stamp-mill is, or express the opinion that a little mill cannot do good work. As a reply we would like to place on record the results of a few tests. There are two periods of work in our laboratory; the fall term, when the class […]

Silver Lead Ore Processing by Roll Crushing & Jigging

The following brief paper is intended, to apply to the concentration of the silver-lead ores at Broken Hill, New South Wales, generally, but more particularly to the process as applied to the ores in the Block 10 mine. The attached plans are similar in many respects to those prepared recently for the Block 10 Company. […]

Centrifugal Elevator: Gold Dredge Tailings Transportation

The centrifugal elevator invented and patented by the writer is designed for the purpose of conveying the tailings of a gold dredge to such a distance that they shall not impede the dredging operations. Formerly this was usually accomplished by means of a belt of buckets travelling round a ladder set at an angle of […]

Klein Jig & Classifier

Concentrating-Machinery has been wonderfully improved during the past few years both in technical efficiency and in economy of power; and, in the writer’s opinion, the prosperity which the mining industry has of late enjoyed is due in large part to this improvement. Many properties are yielding handsome profits at the present time which were considered, […]

Gold Mercury Amalgamation Methods


I was manager of a mining enterprise where the ores were composed principally of iron pyrites (much decomposed), in a quartz matrix, with native gold in very irregular grains. Some portions, however, carried their metallic value in a matrix of calcite and siderite. The mill in which the ores were treated consisted of two 800-lb. stamps, […]