Hydraulic Gold Mining

Hydraulic Gold Mining is the cheapest form of gold mining is that in which the precious metal can be removed from its associated impurities—such as clay, gravel, sandstone and iron—and collected, entirely by the agency of water and mercury, with a minimum of manual labour. This can be done where there occur high banks of […]

Dredge Construction

Dikes for River Control.—Dredging and the maintenance of dredged depths is intimately related to the subject of the characteristics and regulation of rivers. This, however, is much too broad and far reaching in its scope to be included within the narrow confines of this small book, and will merely be summarized with maximum brevity in […]

Hydraulic Dredges

There are two general and distinct classes of hydraulic dredges, the River Type and the Sea-going Hopper Dredge. The first is the smaller machine, built for use in the calm waters of rivers and sheltered harbors, and is rarely self-propelling except among those designed by the Mississippi River Commission to meet the special and unique […]

Grapple Dredges

General Description.—A grapple dredge is, in principle, a derrick mounted on a float and swinging a grab bucket. Any derrick lighter may perform the operation of dredging by simply attaching a grab bucket to its fall. This, however, is merely a makeshift, and by no means constitutes a dredge. The operation of the bucket is […]

Gold Dredging & Sluice Box

The Metallurgy of Dredging: The gold-saving appliances of a dredge consist respectively of screens, tables, and sluices. The essential duty of the screen is to classify the material prior to concentration, it also serves to disintegrate or break up the material passing over or through it, so that particles of gold may not be carried off […]

Gold Dredges & Gold Dredging

We are the first and only concern in this country to devote its whole attention exclusively to the designing and building of gold dredges; therefore, we are especially well equipped to do this work much better and more quickly than other concerns; for with them, dredge building is only a side line, and their principal […]

Dredging Alluvial Gold

The only minerals of any importance which are found in alluvial deposits are gold and other precious metals, tinstone, and those gems which by reason of their hardness and power of resisting chemical changes are preserved in their original state even after being scoured by water for long periods. It is now generally conceded that […]

Clamshell Dredge

clamshell dredge

The grab, or “ clamshell ” type of dredge, consists of a self-filling and discharging scoop or bucket, with the necessary engine power for working this from a crane. Well-known makers of this form of dredge are Messrs. Rose, Downs, & Thompson, Limited (see illustration), and Messrs. Priestman Bros. Both firms recommend, for this purpose, […]