Batch Cyanidation of Flotation Concentrate

The production of gold bullion from gravity or flotation concentrates is often an important economic consideration for an isolated gold mining operation. It is assumed in this case that the coarse free gold has been recovered by the Mineral Jig in the grinding circuit and that the jig concentrate has been amalgamated. This treatment produces […]
Gold Leaching Process

Many opportunities exist throughout the world for small cyanide plants, possibly using a Gold Leaching Process, both for production and pilot operations, especially in areas not easily accessible, and where labor and local costs are on a level for profitable operation. Ores not fully amenable to treatment by amalgamation or flotation processes for the recovery of […]
Gold and Silver Leaching by Cyanidation

Introduction to Gold and Silver Leaching The cyanide leaching process is the most important method ever developed for extracting gold from its ores. The early development of the process is attributed to a Scotchman, John Stewart Mac Arthur, in collaboration with the Forrest brothers. The method was introduced into South Africa in 1890. From there it spread […]
Preparing Cathode Wool for Smelting

The cathode wool is changed weekly or more often if necessary. Electrowin day is however the cut off point. First thing on Monday morning a sample should be taken from the cell for assay and then the eluate solution diverted to the spare cell. Removing the Wool Dump the solution in the cell by opening the […]
Intensive Cyanidation

The upgrading of gravity concentrate for smelting purposes by use of intensive cyanidation is still in the experimental stage. It involves the leaching out of the gold into solution, using a strong cyanide mix, and then the electrowinning of that solution so as to recover the gold on the steel wool cathodes. This system is […]
Preparing Of Gold Gravity Concentrates For Smelting

The final concentrate taken off the Wilfley table is not suitable for direct smelting. The “lines of separation’ as shown in fig. 14 (Part 5) are not always clearly defined as there is some intrusion of impurities, namely steel, into the concentrate zone and likewise some gold finds its way into the middlings. It is […]
How to Operate a Merrill Crowe Precipitation Process

Efficient Merrill Crowe precipitation of gold and silver is dependent upon the proper control of certain physical and chemical properties of the solution. The most important of these properties are listed below: SUSPENDED SOLIDS, such as ore slime and precipitates of calcium carbonate, with hydrates of aluminum, magnesium and iron, present in the pregnant solution […]
Gold Leaching Plant for Sale

FLOWSHEET CY3, COUNTER-CURRENT DECANTATION CYANIDE PLANTThe following estimates are for counter-current decantation cyanide circuits and are based on average grade ore requiring average treatment time. These include precipitation and accessory equipment. The equipment required for a cyanide plant will vary considerably with the value of the ore, the settling rate, the chemical composition of the […]
Electrolytic Oxygen in Cyanide Solutions

There are two conditions generally prevailing upon the earth—those within atmospheric influence, tending towards oxidation, and those away from atmospheric influence, tending towards reduction. Practically all mineral substances from mines of any depth are in a reducing condition. Since the cyanide process, in order to dissolve silver or gold, requires that the prevailing conditions under […]
Cyanide Processing Equipment and Plant Options

The Jig, placed between the ball mill and classifier, is one of the most valuable and affordable improvements in cyanidation in recent years and was developed by the metallurgical engineering and Mining Equipment Companies. This Mineral Jig has the marked advantage of removing a large portion of the metallic values without excessive dilution, and water […]