Fine Grinding in Cyanide Plant

This plant, near Marysville, Montana, was planned to treat the ore from the Piegan and Gloster mines, the latter being one of the early and famous producers of the Marysville district. When the mill was closed, treatment consisted of stamp milling, followed by pans and settlers for pan amalgamation. The extraction was evidently poor, because, a […]
List Books on Cyanidation
ALLAN, A. W.: Mill and Cyanide Handbook, Charles Griffin & Company Ltd., London, 1918. ALLEN, ROBERT: West Australian Metallurgical Practice, Chamber of Mines of Western Australia, 1906. BAIN, H. F.: More Recent Cyanide Practice, Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, 1910. BERTELSMANN, WILHELM: Der Technologie der Cyanverbindugen, Munchen and Berlin. 1906. BOSQUI, F. L.: Practical […]
List Gold Metallurgical Tests

In order to have a preliminary idea about the metallurgical performance of the samples, some scoping tests have to be performed. They can be carried out in the prospective mine site and/or special metallurgical laboratory. The final election is based on the equipment availability and gold mineralization. Test to be done include; concentration by gravity, […]
CIL & CIP Leach Circuit Simulation
Estimation of Free Cyanide using Iodine and Potassium

The process of estimating free cyanide depends upon the fact that when a solution of iodine in potassium iodide is added to a solution of a simple cyanide, the reddish-brown color of the iodine solution disappears so long as the cyanide is in excess, since the reaction results in the formation of an iodide of […]
Cyanide Leaching of Flotation Concentrate

When Charles Butters began to take up the work of flotation in our Oakland laboratory, one of the first points brought to our attention was the treatment of the concentrate produced by flotation; J. E. Clennell was accordingly instructed to undertake the researches detailed in the present paper. The whole value of the process hinges […]
Merrill-Crowe Zinc Precipitation Circuit Operation

In the Merrill-Crowe Zinc Precipitation, the pregnant solution tank collects the gold and silver bearing solution recovered from other circuits of the plant: thickener overflow; primary and secondary filtration? and the Argentite circuits. Normally these solutions contain very little solids content (15-100 ppm), however, even this small amount of solids is sufficient to inhibit efficient […]
Silver Sulphide Leaching & Filtration Circuit Startup & Shutdown Procedures

Details of good silver sulphide leaching and filtration circuit operation and instructions for sequencing and preparing for startup. The following items must be checked before the equipment in this EXAMPLE Argentite Leaching Circuit is started. The leach tank agitators should be running. Check that the Argentite filter feed pump, drum filter, repulper and tailings sampling pump […]
Silver Flotation Concentrate Leaching and Filtration Circuits

Producing a Silver Flotation concentrate from this EXAMPLE Argentite (cubic silver sulfide (Ag2S)) Flotation Circuit enters the first of four successive Argentite leach tanks. The purpose of this leach circuit is to dissolve the silver and gold recovered in the Flotation Circuit. A high strength solution of sodium cyanide, air, and lime are added to the […]
Startup and Shutdown Procedure -Merrill Crowe

In Preparation for Startup, the following items must be checked before the equipment in the filtration circuit is started. Check that the filters, repulpers, filtrate pumps, vacuum pumps, flotation blower, and transfer pumps are ready to run. Check that the cooling water compressant system is functional. The selected cooling water filter must be clean, and reclaim water must […]