Prospector Survival Equipment List


The engineer has often to penetrate difficult or unknown regions. Mineral, irrigation, boundary and railway problems frequently necessitate journeys through, or long residence in, localities whence sustenance cannot be drawn. The selection and conveyance of provisions, outfit and implements thus become a matter of the first importance. Scientific skill, even of the highest order, is […]

Water Wheel Design & Construction


Opinions differ as to whether the water-wheel almost universally known as the Pelton type belongs to the impulse, the tangential, the reactive, the jet or the percussion class, or to a cross between two or more of these classes. The fact is, that for an almost infinitesimal part of a second the axis of the […]

Mougin Rotating Turrets


In presenting the subject of “ Armored Turrets for Coast Defense ” to this Institute, I am indebted to the Gruson Iron-works, a company incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, for valuable information, model and plans, by which I hope to make clear the construction and peculiar merits of this class […]

How to Measure the Density SG of Rock: A DIY Prospector Tool Rule


The determination of specific gravity dates from such antiquity, and the various published methods of determining it are so numerous, that one may well be skeptical as to the value of a new means of obtaining so well-known a quantity. I make no claim to any great novelty for the little device here described, the […]

Cushioned Crushing Roll


Every millman engaged in the operations incident to the handling of crushing-rolls knows that in ordinary practice, when fine product is desired, the ore-materials delivered to the machine, divided into four sizes, may be estimated, approximately, as follows : This estimate refers more particularly to the requirements of medium-sized rolls and fine crushing. But, depending […]

Shaker Table & Fine Particles Classification


The adaptation of European methods of concentrating ores to suit the conditions of this country has followed the lines that simplify machinery, diminish labor and increase capacity. Noteworthy instances are the substitution of hydraulic classifiers for the last one or two trommels in the series, and the substitution of a distributing-tank for the slimes in […]

Settling Tank Spitzkasten Classifier


In “ Sorting Before Sizing ” (a paper first announced at the Pittsburgh meeting, but delayed in preparation and now presented at the present meeting) it is shown that if slime-tables are to do their best work on slimes below 0.5 mm. or 0.02 inch in diameter, they must be carefully sorted or classified, and […]

Plunger Jig & Accelerated Jig


In the discussion of my paper on “ Close Sizing Before Jigging,” Mr. Louis remarks: “ What we really need to know as the basis of any consistent theory (of jigging) is what occurs during each hundredth of a second.” It is clear that for the further study of the laws involved, a jig-tester is […]

Muffle Furnace


The accuracy of the silver-assay depends in great measure upon a careful regulation of the heat of the muffle furnace during the process of cupellation. At the beginning of the operation, a relatively high temperature is required to ” open ” the lead buttons, that is, to clear off the black film of oxide that […]

Homemade DIY Laboratory Still


In the use of the apparatus purchased for the new chemical laboratories of the university, no piece has given us more satisfaction, or has been a greater success, than a new still which is the subject of this paper. In the designing of this still I had two definite objects in view ; one, the […]