Hydrometallurgical Equipment


The object of the first classification done in cyaniding work was to produce a leachable sand and overflow as small an amount of sand as possible with the ‘slime, which was usually run to waste. In the early days various arrangements of adjustable tank gates were used, and sometimes direct overflow of tanks filled with a […]

Arsenic Filtration for Potable Home Use

arsenic filtration for potable use

Before treating for arsenic it’s important to understand both arsenic composition and water chemistry. Arsenic (As) is a natural occurring mineral commonly found in clusters paired with sulfur and other heavy metals i.e.: iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), uranium and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Recent studies have shown that temperature variance in arsenic prone areas are known […]

Microscope in Mining Engineering

vein quartz

The valuable results that have followed the application in recent years of microscopic methods of research to problems of ore genesis have been significant, but possibly the recognition of their practical importance is not as general as might be, and while, as a scientific method of investigating ores and rocks, the advantage derived through the […]

Wood Burning Assay Furnace


Wood burning assay furnaces are made with single and double muffles and are much like the soft coal furnaces except that a larger firebox and grate are used. Wood is usually sawed in 2-foot lengths and with dry wood the muffle may be easily heated sufficiently for assaying. Hard wood is much to be preferred […]

Assay Laboratory Equipment: Cost Savings


Under the title, Labor-Saving Appliances in the Works-Laboratory, I published a paper in which was described how multi-manipulations in a works-laboratory and in the furnace-room of an assay-laboratory, can be condensed into single manipulations by applying the proper mechanical devices. For example, I now deposit in, or withdraw from, a muffle a set of 48 […]

Metallurgy Laboratory Equipment

floor plans and sections of the hammond mining and metallurgical laboratory

The Hammond Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory and its Equipment was the gift of Prof. John Hays Hammond to the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Professor Hammond was graduated from this school in the class, and has always shown great interest in its welfare and progress. He offered to build and equip for it a mining and […]

Hydraulic Jig Concentrator VS Shaking Table

two compartment jig

Concentration of grains from 10 to 30 mm. is effected by hydraulic jigs with two compartments, and in the case of the smaller grains down to 2 mm. by jigs with five compartments. The construction of the jigs is the same in both cases. Fig. 3 gives the details of a jig with two compartments; it […]

Assay Laboratory Supplies & Lab Design


The chemical laboratory in our industrial establishments has remained a factor of minor importance, and, for this reason, not only has progress been permitted to lag, but the methods of analytical work have been carried on along individual traditional lines. Some works-laboratories are equipped with such conveniences as Gooch filters, suction-pumps, compressed air, shaking-machines, centrifugal […]

Metallurgical Chemistry Laboratory Equipment List

chemistry laboratory equipment list

The equipment of a laboratory in which students are to be trained for practical work in metallurgical chemistry presents many difficulties not encountered in the fitting up of a commercial or works laboratory. At an industrial plant the chemical work required usually demands the frequent repetition of a comparatively limited number of methods. In a […]

Smelter Laboratory Equipment List

smelter laboratory equipment

The work of a chemist at a busy smelting-plant differs radically from the work of a student, who takes all possible care to have his analysis exact within hundredths of a per cent., and has plenty of time to devote to the operation. The works- chemist, having the shortest time in which to make his […]