Vibrating Screens in Mineral Processing: Types and Advantages

Dillon Vibrating Screen

Vibrating Screen SPECIFICATIONS The driven sheave and balance wheels are on the center line of the shaft. The shaft supports no other load and is subjected to no flexing or bending, and rotates freely on its central axis. The driven sheave can be mounted on either end of the shaft depending on whether a right […]

Types of Speed Reducers

Sheave Wheel

The Speed Reducer eliminates unnecessary transmission equipment, thus providing compact drives, and assures positive performance. It is made with speed reduction ratios up to 4,000 to 1 and with right angle (vertical or horizontal), or parallel shafts for either light or heavy duty. The information which follows gives applications and other pertinent data on the […]

Thickener Drive Speed Reducer

Several Sizes

The Integral Lift Vertical Worm Gear-Box Speed Reducer is used on Center and Side Air-lift Agitators, Hydroclassifiers, and on thickeners in many mills and industrial plants where it is necessary to have a simple, compact, totally – enclosed, self-lubricated reduction unit. This unit is widely used to step down speeds of high-speed motors to the slow […]

Rod Mills: Efficient Grinding Solutions for Mining

rod mill

The Steel Head Rod Mill (sometimes call a bar mill) gives the ore dressing engineer a very wide choice in grinding design. He can easily secure a standard Steel Head Rod Mill suited to his particular problem. The successful operation of any grinding unit is largely dependent on the method of removing the ground pulp. The Steel […]

Edwards mechanical ore-roasting furnace

Edwards mechanical ore-roasting furnace - 911Metallurgist

The (Edwards Type) Mechanical Roaster was first developed in Australia for the roasting of gold and silver ores and concentrates. It can be built in units to handle from 20 to 200 tons per 24 hours. The overall height of this type of unit is low, an important advantage in installation. Dusting is eliminated because the […]

Centrifugal Pump

Nor-Sand Centrifugal Sond Pump

Centrifugal Sand Pump The Nor-Sand Centrifugal Sand Pump is an evolution in pump design which overcomes the many difficulties encountered in handling abrasive materials. An unimpeded flow of pulp to the impeller is assured, as provision has been made to prevent coarse material from settling out by providing the pump with a central inlet on the […]

Cyanide Pre-Leach Conditioner

Portable Placer

  The notably successful application of flotation to many cyanide ores, and the development of a plant to treat the flotation concentrates by cyanidation, makes it possible for small plants to increase their recovery greatly and to make a much wider margin of profit. These concentrate treatment plants do not require large outlays of money and […]

Portable Trommel-Jig Placer Gold Plant

Portable Placer

Well-Known throughout the world for finest mill equipment, we, nevertheless are very active in the development and construction of placer machines of various types and sizes to meet every need. A prime essential for making money in a placer is high yardage, and equipment to handle it must be put to work as soon as preliminary testing […]

Acid Resistant Pot Mill

Acid Resisting Pot Mill

The Acid Resisting Pot Mill is recommended for grinding substances which contain acids such as sulphuric and hydrochloric or other highly corrosive mixtures or materials. This pot mill has a strong welded steel frame with a tilting device which locks the mill so that it can be rotated at the desired angle. This feature is […]

Dowsett Density Valve

Dowsett Density Valve - 911Metallurgist

Dowsett Density Valve is a simple, automatic control for discharging hutch concentrate from the (Selective) Mineral Jig. By its use, concentrate is automatically discharged in predetermined quantities at high density, eliminating risk of inattention by manual labor. Where a rougher-cleaner jig combination is used, this valve makes an ideal device for feeding the secondary machine. […]