Laboratory Vacuum and Pressure Filter


The handling of wet pulp samples presents a problem to every ore dressing and metallurgical laboratory. The use of proper size and type filters with required vacuum equipment will simply and efficiently eliminate many of the difficulties. Laboratory Vacuum Filter Laboratory Vacuum Filter is available for all sizes of laboratories and continuous pilot test plants. Necessary units […]

Platinum Anodes and Cathodes

ANODE, Platinum Wire

PLATINUM ANODES AND CATHODES For best results, we recommend the use of the anodes and cathodes listed here. The paddle form anode is recommended where considerable agitation is required. The loop anode is made of No. 16 platinum iridium wire insuring the rigidity required for suc­cessful rotation at high speed. When making copper and lead […]

Electrolysis Apparatus

Electrolysis Apparatus - 911Metallurgist

BRAUN ELECTROLYTIC APPARATUS for making electrolytic determinations of copper, lead, antimony, cadmium, nickel, tin, zinc, and other metals was the pioneer in its field and for twenty years it has maintained its worldwide leadership. Many of the original sets are still in satisfactory operation. The latest, improved design, the Model CB, like its predecessors, is substantially […]

Distillation Apparatus


DISTILLING APPARATUS, Gas Heated, Barnstead, 1 gallon size—The gas burner is of the type approved by the U. S. Bureau of Standards and the American Gas Association, and is built directly into the still and entirely encased. The gas mixer is of the latest Venturi type and is provided with an adjustable orifice adaptable for […]

Dissecting Kit and Tools


DISSECTING SET—Consists of a one-fold, lined leatherette case, containing the following instru­ments: Scalpel  32 mm, edge Needle Forceps Pipette Scissors Celluloid Ruler Needle DISSECTING SET—Consists of a two-fold, lined leatherette case, containing the following instru­ments: Scalpel 45 mm edge Cartilage Knife Scalpel  25 mm edge Hooks and Chains Forceps Blowpipe Scissors Celluloid Ruler Tenaculum FORCEPS, Dissecting—Fine; curved, […]

Evaporating Dish

Evaporating Dish - 911Metallurgist

DISH, Evaporating, Porcelain, Coors—With lip. Numbers 000 to 4A, inclusive, glazed inside and outside with exception of rim. Larger sizes glazed inside and partly glazed outside. DISH, Evaporating, Silica—Glazed. Deep form, round bottom, with lip. Superior to porcelain. Very durable. May be heated over direct flame, and will not condense moisture on the surface while cooling. DISH, Clay, […]


Desiccator - 911Metallurgist

DESICCATOR, Scheibler—Of heavy glass, with wide rims. Cover and rims are ground true to insure an accurate tight fit. DESICCATOR, Fruehling and Schultz—Of clear, heavy glass, with ground-on cover and knob. Without porcelain plate. DESICCATOR PLATE, Porcelain-Glazed on one side, without feet. DESICCATOR PLATE, Porcelain-Glazed on one side; supported by three small feet. DESICCATOR PLATE, Porcelain-Glazed on […]

Glass Graduated Cylinder


CYLINDER, Hydrometer—With lip, heavy glass. On foot. CYLINDER, Graduated, Exax Blue Line—On foot, with pour out, heavy glass, numbered up and down. Calibrated at 20° C. CYLINDER, Mixing, Exax Blue Line—Graduated and stoppered, on foot, heavy glass, numbered up and down. Calibrated at 20° C. GRADUATE, Glass, Single, English Scale, Exax Blue Line—Mounted on base with foot. […]

Fire Assay Cupels


Fire Assay Cupels: Calmix, Machine Made—Under the process of manufacture, the material used produces a cupel uniform in density and power of absorption with a firm and glossy surface that will not crack nor check. They embody the following advantages : Need no initial drying. Absorb more lead than bone ash. Greater absorbing power permits the […]

Laboratory Disk Pulverizer – Bico


DISK PULVERIZER MODEL: Type UA, Braun (now BICO)- The Braun BICO Type UA Disk Pulverizer, while particularly adapted for metallurgical samples, is also rendering excellent service in industrial laboratories. Bearings: UA 55 and UA 56 babbitted bushings are removable and replaceable and can be rebab­bitted in any convenient shop or new bearings may be obtained. The bearings are […]