Mineral Collection and Test Sets
Packed in carton about 8x10x1¾ inches. MINERAL COLLECTION, Diamond—The specimens average about an inch through and each is in a separate partition. Each specimen bears a number for purpose of identification, corresponding to a list on the lid of the box. Complete in neat wooden box about 11¾x6¼x1 5/8 inches. MINERAL COLLECTION, Student—Comprising 300 splendid […]
Magnifiers and Microscopes
MAGNIFIER, Coddington—First quality. Mounted in nickeled folding case. MAGNIFIER, Doublet—Composed of two piano convex lenses, set in nickeled folding case. MAGNIFIER—In nickeled metal folding case. Diameter of lens, 1¼ inches. MAGNIFIER, Reading Lens—Clear white optical glass lens, accurately ground and highly polished, mounted in nickel rim of sufficient width to protect the lens surface, with handles […]
Laboratory Hot Plates
Multiple Unit Electric Hot Plates HOT PLATE, Electric, Multiple Unit, Improved-Provided with three snap switches mounted on the base each of which controls one of three heating coils. At each of the three heats, even temperature is obtained over the whole of the top surface. Each heater is wired to operate on either 110 or 220 volts. […]
Laboratory Glass Tubing and Glass Rod
GLASS TUBING AND GLASS ROD Our glass tubing and rod is carried in stock in standard factory lengths of approximately five feet. Unless otherwise instructed, full lengths are supplied, packed in special cases, which are charged extra at cost. Orders for small quantities, which would not warrant the cost of a separate case, are cut […]
Laboratory Gas Analysis Apparatus
GAGE, Rain, United States Weather Bureau Type—Consists of a cylindrical container, aluminum finished with copper inner parts, 3 inches in diameter by 13 inches high with a knife edge top. The water drains into a smaller cylinder, multiplying the depth reading ten times. Readings are taken by inserting a calibrated stick. Complete with measuring stick. Extra Measuring Stick […]
Muffle Furnaces & Melting-Combination Furnaces
Multiple Unit Electric Furnaces FURNACE, Muffle, Multiple Unit, Without Rheostat—An efficient and satisfactory furnace for a variety of laboratory operations, including the drying of precipitates, ash determinations, fusions, ignitions, heat treatment of metals and alloys, and experimental test work. The safe working temperature, reached in 30 to 35 minutes on standard voltage, is 1750° F. or 955° […]
Laboratory Forceps and Funnels
FORCEPS, Straight—Of polished steel, heavy, with blunt corrugated points. FORCEPS, Curved—Brass, lacquered, medium points. Length, 100 mm. FORCEPS, Curved—Brass, lacquered, with ivory tips. Length, 95 mm. FORCEPS, Steel—With platinum tips. Length, 85 mm. FORCEPS, Steel—Same as above, but with chrome tips. FORCEPS, Straight—Double French form. Steel, nickel plated. One end self-closing and with platinum tips. […]
Laboratory Flotation Machines
LABORATORY FLOTATION MACHINES: These machines are being used throughout the world for floating all kinds of metallic minerals including gold, as well as non-metallics such as graphite, fluorspar, coal, etc. When operating a laboratory flotation cell, the results obtained can be duplicated in practice as these units are designed on the same principle as […]
Laboratory Flasks/Erlenmeyer/Pyrex Glass
FIXANAL, Standardized Solution Apparatus—A method of preparing correctly standardized solutions for volumetric analysis without titration. The method depends on the use of sealed capsules containing the proper amount of accurately standardized reagent to make up 1000 ml. and an apparatus for releasing the contents into a standard 1000 ml. volumetric flask. To prepare a solution, […]
Cyanide Antidote Kit
FIRST AID, CYANIDE ANTIDOTE KIT, Braun—Arranged according to the recommendations of the Committee of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa, appointed to investigate cyanide poisoning. Accidental poisoning by cyanide will occur despite the greatest care, and death is liable to follow unless the proper antidote is at hand and administered at once. […]