Flotation Blowers

Flotation Blower cf_742_nav

Rotary Blower for pressure and vacuum service is universally used with gas or oil burners, furnaces forges, ovens, etc. Two inter-engaging impellers, rotating in opposite directions draw air into the pockets between the impellers and the case, and force this air into the discharge pipe. The amount of air displaced by these impellers at each revolution […]

Small Portable Gold Process Plant


This arrangement and flowsheet of a Mini Portable Gold Processing Plant permits several mineral separations by flotation and provides for the possible recovery of other minerals by gravity concentration. The flowsheet is ideal for a pilot-plant in field testing of ores to determine the economic feasibility of an ore deposit prior to the installation of […]

Assay Laboratory Equipment

Jaw Crusher

Laboratory Assay Equipment Proper assay equipment is an integral part of every complete ore dressing laboratory and also will find practical use in many industrial and chemical laboratories. No less important are the benefits derived by mining companies through maintaining their own assay laboratories. A private assay laboratory allows the company to set up a more […]

Slurry Distributor

Slurry Distributor - 911Metallurgist

The Slurry Distributor (Self-Rotating or Motorized) is a simple, accurate, positive unit that distributes Slurry automatically wherever material must be distributed to several machines or circuits for treatment. The self-rotating distributor is powered by the force of the material being distributed. No operator or adjustments are necessary.   Self-Rotating Pulp Distributor The Slurry-Pulp Distributor is […]

Types and Models of Sample Cutters & Samplers


AUTOMATIC SAMPLERS A compact unit designed to move the sample cutter through the stream at a uniform speed up to 30″ per second to provide an accurate increment sample. Action of cutter and mechanism closely adheres to theoretical “perfect technique” in cutting a sample. High speed cutter travel often eliminates need for secondary sampling. Sample […]

SRL Pump Parts & Pump Types

SRL Pumps

SRL SAND PUMPS —GLAND TYPE SRL Pumps with positive Water Seal have a world-wide reputation for their high efficiency, low part cost, long life in handling abrasive slurries, sands and acids.  Wear causes loss of pump efficiency and loss of pressure. Accuracy of parts, precision molded of rubber, and the superior wearing qualities of the […]

Types of Agitators


TURBINE TYPE AGITATORS Design of new Turbine Type Agitator Propellers makes possible the use of positive propeller agitation in larger diameter tanks compared with higher speed agitators. One large diameter agitator handles volume of several small ones. Saves space, operating expense, supervision and maintenance. Large size of propeller and tank permits operation at slower speeds […]

Electromagnetic Separation


Starting with a mixture of any of the above minerals it may be determined whether or not they can be separated by high tension, magnetic, or gravity methods and whether any one, or a combination of “Electromagnetic Separation” methods is required. If the minerals appear in different columns they may be separated by high tension and/or […]

Portable Mineral Processing Plant – Gold & other Metals

Portable Mineral Processing Plant - Gold & other Metals - 911Metallurgist

Much interest is being shown by both small operators and big mining companies in small portable and semi-portable milling plants. The small operator, perhaps lacking an extensive ore deposit or finances, must rely on a layout low in initial cost. The bigger mining companies are interested in these small plants—because they can economically prove certain ore […]