Reagent Emulsifier
The (Disc Type) Reagent Emulsifier is used to emulsify flotation reagents with water before introducing them into the cells. By using this unit greater efficiency is attained from reagents, decreasing the amount necessary to produce the best flotation results. The unit consists of a sturdily constructed tank and impeller, together with the driving motor, on […]
Belt and Chain Drives
Multiple V-Belt Drives are used for transmitting from fractional to 6000 horsepower constant speed, and to 300 horsepower adjustable speed. The V-belt design utilizes angled sides to transmit power through a V-grooved pulley by wedge contact between the angled sides of the belt and the angled sides of the groove. The multiple V-belt drive has supplanted the flat belt drive […]
Laboratory Cyanide Leach Plants
The (Batch) Laboratory Cyanide Plant was designed to assist the purchaser in determining what style of plant he needs for his particular ore. While an assayer’s test offers no particular difficulty, the ore may pack and prove impervious to solution when full size mill operation is attempted. To do away with this possibility a low […]
Laboratory Conditioner
Laboratory Conditioners and Super-Agitators are available in sizes to meet the need for a single batch unit, a multiple batch unit or a continuous pilot test plant size unit. This machine is designed for use in metallurgical, chemical and process laboratories to condition, agitate, aerate, or mix any combination of liquids or liquids and solids […]
Types Belt Conveyor
The type of belt conveyors are used to transport various materials over relatively short distances both horizontally and on an incline where the angle of the latter does not exceed 21° to 23° in exceptional cases. The material can be of almost any size and either dry or wet, but in the latter case the moisture content must […]
Buckman Tilting Concentrator
The Buckman Tilting Concentrator is a development of the engineering staff of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. of Canada, Ltd. It is named after Mr. R. S. Buckman, the mechanical superintendent at the Sullivan Concentrator. Over one million tons of material were handled by these machines before being offered as a tried and proved […]
Air Compressor
Compressed air in a mill is very desirable. It is used in cyanide agitators and solution tanks for supplying excess air required for efficient dissolving of gold values, air agitation of liquids, for elevating pulps by means of an airlift, agitation of pulps in filters, cleaning machinery, operating air hoists, forges, reciprocating and rotary air […]
Small Ball Mills
A PULP level sufficiently high to interpose a bed of pulp, partly to cushion the impact of the balls, permits a maximum crushing effect with a minimum wear of steel. The pulp level of these Small Ball Mills can be varied from discharging at the periphery to discharging at a point about halfway between the trunnion and […]
Ore Bucket Rail Car
Ore Bucket Rail Cars are built of the strongest welded steel design and are built with the expectation that continuous service will be required of them. As shown in the accompanying illustrations, these cars are made in two styles, both of which are built as standard units for eighteen gauge track. However, these ore bucket […]
Mine Shaft Cage
Mine Cages are designed from experience acquired by building hundreds of cages in various sizes and types. These cages are built with highest quality material and precision workmanship. As shaft dimensions vary, Mine Cages can only be built on order. When asking for quotations or ordering cages or chairs, list the dimensions of your shaft […]