Laboratory Slurry Filters

Two Disc Laboratory

Slurry Pressure Filter With the Slurry Pressure Filter it is possible to dewater a great number of mill samples every day. The quantity of pulp to be filtered at each operation will determine the size best suited for your requirements. Because of an ingenious arrangement of the yoke, it is impossible to open the filter without […]

Laboratory Classifiers

Laboratory Batch Classifier

Laboratory Batch Classifier The Laboratory Batch Classifier is used to classify or settle the pulp from Laboratory Batch Ball Mills, and the results approximate the work done by standard commercial classifiers and ball or rod mills in closed circuits. This unit consists of a funnel with a variable spigot discharge through which the material passes […]

Laboratory Dryer

Lewers Type

Oven Type Laboratory Dryer For drying ores, concentrates, grains, or other pulps in the laboratory, the (Oven Type) Laboratory Dryer is a very efficient and inexpensive unit. The cabinet contains five heavy wire mesh shelves which allow the air to circulate freely. A substantial and accurately wound resistance element is located in base and shielded […]

Small & Laboratory Jigs

Improved Harz Type Jig

Laboratory Jig (Harz Type) There are many ores, such as zinc, lead, iron, and fluorspar which can be treated economically in jigs handling very coarse feeds; either to make a high grade concentrate or to discard a coarse, clean tailing. The small (Harz Type) Laboratory Jig accurately tests the possibilities of such an ore. The […]

Laboratory Amalgamation Equipment

Laboratory Agitator(Bottle Type)

Laboratory Amalgamation Clean-Up Pan The Laboratory Clean-Up Pan is similar in design to the commercial machine and is used to amalgamate high grade ore or flotation and table concentrates. It can be operated successfully for batch or continuous work. The unit is mounted on a stand with an adjustable base, so that the charge can […]

Laboratory Agitator

Laboratory Agitator

Air-lift Laboratory Agitator Laboratory Air-lift Agitator was specially developed for use in continuous testing laboratories and pilot plant operations. This agitator is similar in design to a large scale continuous commercial agitator and accordingly the results obtained can be directly calculated for the large tonnages of commercial operation. Gear drive mechanism is totally enclosed, with integral rake […]

Types of Mining Hoists

Installed Heaer

Air or Steam (Anaconda Type) Hoist This is a rugged, compact and efficient hoist applicable for use with either steam or air for surface prospects or underground work in larger mines. It is a simple machine with few wearing parts; “V” friction clutch. Air requirements 125 to 150 c.f.m. Beebe Hand Hoist This unit easily handles a […]

Flash Flotation Cell and Flotation Banks

Unit Flotation Cell

Flash Flotation Cell The “Sub-A” Flash Flotation Cell, when installed in the circuit between the ball mill and classifier, makes possible the quick recovery of coarse free mineral, which is a vital factor in economic mill operation. Slime losses from overgrinding are reduced to a minimum with the use of the “Sub-A” Unit Flash Flotation […]

Melting Furnaces

Heating Furnace

Fisher-Monarch Melting Furnaces (Fisher-Monarch) Melting Furnaces efficiently melt brass, bronze, copper, aluminum, gray iron, ferro-manganese, gold and silver precipitates, and can also be used for smelting and refining grindings, borings, wash metals, and various ores. No crucibles are used. These furnaces are similar in construction, having chambers split longitudinally and hinged on one side so […]

Diesel and Gasoline Engines

Belt Bucket Elevator

Engine, Diesel, Caterpillar Caterpillar Diesel Engine brings to the users of small power units all of the advantages of the larger diesel engines. The units are available in sizes from 52 horsepower to 190 horsepower and are all of rugged design with compactness and accessibility of parts built into all units. These engines are available […]