Perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) from Solid Matrices
Recent studies suggest that toxic and highly persistent poly-and perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) are much more prevalent in tissue and soil than in water. The increasing length of perfluoroalkyl chain in PFAS is correlated strongly to lower solubility/higher adsorption behaviour of a particular PFAS molecule in the environment. This poses a significant challenge to developing analytical […]
Acid Coal Mine Drainage
Drainage of acid mine water into surface streams of coal mining areas is one of the most serious problems of stream pollution, since there is no known method that completely prevents its forming and no economically feasible treatment after it has formed. The mine acid problem differs from other pollution hazards because acid production does […]
Dewatering of Tailing
The phosphate ores mined in middle Tennessee typically consist of granular rock phosphate particles disseminated in a clayey matrix. In the TVA plant near Columbia, Tenn., the phosphate ore is mined, made into a slurry with the addition of a small amount of sodium hydroxide as dispersant, and treated in a hydroseparator to remove minus […]
Acid Mine Water Drainage
Acid mine-water drainage is a serious problem with many mines in the Tri-State zinc and lead mining district. Particularly is this true when large volumes must be considered in unwatering old mines that have refilled with water which has dissolved the products of oxidation and has become chalybeate in character. Original Mining Results in Oxidation […]
Wet Scrubbing of Coal Dust from Thermal Dryers
Wet scrubbing of fine coal from Thermal dryers poses a number of problems in adapting the gas cleaning equipment for required clean-up of the fine particulate matter. A wet cleaning apparatus traps the matter suspended in the gas stream in a scrubbing liquid, generally water and a great variety of equipment is used. They include […]
Tailings Disposal and Liquefaction
One of the many responsibilities of mining engineers and mill superintendents is to provide for the safe and economic disposal of wastes (or tailings) remaining after a mineral has been extracted from an ore. The cost of disposal of these tailings exerts a considerable influence on the minimum grade of ore extracted from the mine. […]
Uranium Mill Waste Disposal
The presence of radioactivity in uranium mill wastes has resulted in somewhat unique waste disposal methods. In addition to the common problems of disposing of large quantities of solid wastes, neutralizing acids, minimizing dissolved heavy metals, and clarifying all liquid effluents, the uranium mill operator must sample and analyze liquid effluents for micro-micro quantities of […]
Multi-Stage Flash Evaporation System for the Purification of Acid Mine Drainage
In January of 1964, the Board commenced a vigorous program using appropriated funds and funds donated by the coal industry to finance a research program devoted to seeking solutions to the mine drainage problem. A review of published literature on the treatment of mine drainage indicated that much work done up to that point in […]
Limestone Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage
The occurrence of acid mine drainage (AMD) with coal mining has been well documented. Less documentation is available of its association with other types of mining, e.g., copper, gold, zinc, and sulfur. Yet there are many locations in the western states where acid mine drainage is as great a pollution problem as in Appalachia and […]
Tailing and Mill Process Water System Design Considerations
When the Henderson Project is completed in 1975, it will become one of the Free World’s largest primary molybdenum producers. The Henderson Mine will be located approximately 50 miles west of Denver, Colorado, on the eastern slope of the Continental Divide. Ore reserves are currently estimated to be 303,000,000 tons with a grade of 0.49% […]