Zambia wants to fight illegal mining with Ghana’s help

Artisana_mine_interior_near_Lows_Creek_Mpumalanga_01Zambia’s ambassador in Ghana, Timothy Mwaba Walamba, has revealed that his country is hoping to learn more about the campaign undertaken by the Ghanaian government to fight the influx of illegal and foreign miners into the nation’s small scale mining sector.

The high commissioner is currently studying the campaign developed by Ghana’s Inter-Ministerial Taskforce in order to adapt the strategy to the Zambian reality, helping the local authorities to protect the country’s mining industry. According to the site All Africa, a delegation composed of officials from the Zambian Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development is soon travelling to Ghana to learn the taskforce experiences and launch a similar campaign in Zambia.

As stated by Walamba, his country’s government could learn from Ghana’s environmental governance. This could help the South African nation to improve local sustainable natural resources management.

Ghana’s Minister for Lands and Natural Resources reinforced his country’s commitment to the strong historic ties between the two nations. Alhaji Inusah Fuseini justified the recent upsurge of illegal foreign miners in Ghana with the poor monitoring of the nation’s borders by immigration officers, accusing some of them of corruption.