Tuff Metallurgist for Tuff Metallurgy (Tough)

A very interesting write up about management “toughness”

Here are the positives and negatives of a tough leadership style, which are well worth considering in your own metallurgist career path.


  • Toughness provides sharp focus.
  • You quickly know who is an ally and who is an enemy/rival.
  • You can use intimidation as a competitive tactic.
  • If people fear you, they will respect you.
  • Weaker people will submit to your will.
  • Time isn’t wasted making friends – what counts are results.
  • You will be labeled a winner in the eyes of other warrior types.
  • You won’t have a guilty conscience about hurting others – this is war, after all.


  • Other warriors will gun for you.
  • Loyalty based on intimidation can’t be trusted.
  • Setbacks will be labeled as defeats.
  • Tough minds are generally closed minds.
  • Constant vigilance is called for, since everyone is a potential enemy.
  • The lack of friends eliminates the possibility for personal connections.
  • Tough leadership generally thrives only in an atmosphere of crisis.