Symons Cone Crusher

The introduction of the Symons Cone Crusher in 1926 marked a new era in fine crushing operations. The revolutionary process of crushing of the cone was the greatest advancement ever made in the field of reduction crushing. No other types of crushing machinery ever received such ready acceptance. Its rapid and widespread use is unparalleled by any type of crushing equipment.
Today it is still the world’s outstanding reduction crusher and is universally used by leading producers whose operations involve fine crushing. Continued improvements have been made to meet growing trends toward greater use of more finely crushed materials. Many early users of Symons Standard Cones have now installed Symons Short Head Cones to meet these changing demands. There are thousands of Cones now in service.

If your postwar planning includes increased outputs of the finer sizes investigate the advantages of Symons Cones. Their selection for modern crushing plants everywhere is evidence of their satisfactory performance.Leader