Stage Addition of Flotation Reagents

Stage Addition of Flotation Reagents


Stage Reagent Addition

In Laboratory, the quality of the concentrate floated in the 1st minute of rougher improves if reagent/collector is stage-added.  Stage-adding collector involves adding ½ the total dosage to the 1st cell + ¼ to the 2nd and ¼ to the 3rd or 4th cell.  It can be expected a similar metallurgical behavior could be obtained in-plant.


Flotation circuit sampling have indicated the concentrate floated from the 1st cell of the rougher circuit to also be over 61% Zn.
Some reagent optimization work could improve this number.
Other flotation plant sampling have indicated the concentrate floated from the 1st cell of the 1st cleaner circuit to also be over 62% Zinc.
Some reagent optimization, similar to in-laboratory, could improve this number.

Learn more in reading The Effect of Reagent Addition Points and Aeration on the Flotation Performance of Sulphide Minerals