Sandvik Mining presents its two new Pantera drills

Sandvik_Automine_046The company Sandvik Mining has announced the launching of a new Pantera percussive drill platform. The device – able to deliver increased drilling capacity, lower fuel consumption and higher safety levels – was specifically designed for mining and is available for both DTH (down-the-hole) and TH (top hammer) applications.

Pantera’s new range has been developed with autonomous technologies in mind, so it’s prepared to operate in current and future mining operations, following their evolution. With two new models, the Pantera DI6400 (DTH) and Pantera DP2000 (TH), Sandvik Mining’s line assures better results and a higher drilling economy. According to Jan-Olaf Petzold, vice president of products at the company:

These new drills have been developed from the ground up to meet the needs of today’s mining industry, as well as future requirements as the industry moves towards automated and, ultimately, fully autonomous operations.

Sandvik-launches-new-drill-rigs-645813-o_300All Pantera variants share the same platform, like these two new devices, reducing costs with equipment and training.

The drills, which combine an innovative approach to surface drilling with the Sandvik Integrated Control Architecture, are designed for wall control, pit development and production drilling in open pits. Petzold adds that:

Our new Pantera platform offers efficiency and precision in drilling, increased safety and comfort in its operating interface, while reducing emission levels and environmental impact.

  • Pantera DI6400: designed for 115-203 mm diameter blastholes up to 45 meters in depth.
  • Pantera DP2000: designed for 152-178 mm diameter holes 36 meters deep.

Our Pantera range is a major step forward in our surface mining drills business. It combines mining industry-specific design, machine intelligence, increased performance and productivity, higher safety and truly ‘green’ features unmatched by other drill manufacturers.

Our Pantera range also contributes to improved operating safety through a number of new features. These include an optimized combination of width and weight distribution for better stability, a FOPS/ROPS cabin with comfortable seats for operator and trainer and a remote control option when drilling in potentially hazardous areas where unmanned operation is required.

Besides, these new drills offer increased service life and lower maintenance costs, heavy-duty main frame, boom/feed modules and modular layout and improved access to all components. Each option is available in three configurations: Silver, Gold and Platinum.
