Rubber Tire Driven Ball Mill -Grinding Mill on Rollers

These very nice rubber tire driven grinding mills do not come cheaply priced.
A small, 1 meter X 1.5 meter Rod mill OR Ball Mill cost approximately $160,000 US (in 2014)

Rubber Tire Driven Ball Mill on Rollers

The small(est) mill starts at 600mm x 900mm and goes up to the large(est) 2100mm x 4200mm

Tire Drive Ginding Mill
Grinding Mill on Tires
Sepro System

Options in the small “tyre” or Rubber roller grinding mills include Sepro  as well as Metso

In this type of grinding mills rubber rollers are assigned the double duty of power transmission and cylinder support.
A Rubber Tire Driven mill is economical because of its all welded construction; standardized parts; lightweight design; simple installation; and mounting frame.
Variations to the standard mill design make Rubber Driven Mills a cost efficient alternative for a wide variety of grinding applications including iron ore, gold, copper, zinc, quartz sand, tungsten carbide and lime, etc.Ball Mill on Rubber Tires