7 Rare Earth Elements that Run our World {Infographic}



Alonso, E et al. 2012. Evaluating Rare Earth Element Availability: A Case with Revolutionary Demand from Clean Technologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 46 (3406−3414) PubMed.gov

Humphries, M. 2013 Rare Earth Elements: The Global Supply Chain. Congressional Research Service fas.org

King, H. Rare Earth Elements and their Uses. geology.com

Mineral Commodity Summaries. 2016. United States Geological Survey. minerals.usgs.gov

Rare Earth Technology Alliance. What Are Rare Earth Metals? rareearthtechalliance.com

Royal Society of Chemistry. Periodic Table. rsc.org

Mining Technology (2014) Scarce Supply- the world’s biggest rare earth metal producers Mining-Technology.com

The statistics portal (2016) The statistics Portal % of rare earths distribution of global reserves. Statista.com

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Scrap Metal Recycling

Rock Crushers


Magnet Fishing Kit


Gold Mining Equipment


Portable Work Bench
