Mineral Processing Research Articles

  1. Platinum-Group Minerals in Chromitites Intrusion Magmatic Origin Low-Temperature Reworking Serpentinization Lateritic Weathering
  2. Integration of OHS into Risk Management in an Open-Pit Mining Project in Quebec (Canada)
  3. Integrated Approaches for the Study of Real Mineral Flotation Systems
  4. Study on the Optimization of the Industrial Structure in a Mining Economic Region Taking Carbon Emissions as a Restriction
  5. Computational Redox Potential Predictions Applications to Inorganic and Organic Aqueous Complexes, and Complexes Adsorbed to Mineral Surfaces
  6. Initial Parallel Arrangement of Extracellular Fibrils Holds a Key for Sheath Frame Construction by Leptothrix sp. Strain OUMS1
  7. Gait Characteristics Associated with Trip-Induced Falls on Level and Sloped Irregular Surfaces
  8. Transmission X-ray Microscopy A New Tool in Clay Mineral Floccules Characterization
  9. Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Minerals in 2015
  10. Technological Proposals for Recycling Industrial Wastes for Environmental Applications
  11. Rhenium Nanochemistry for Catalyst Preparation
  12. Mine Waste Characterization, Management and Remediation
  13. Dehydration and Rehydration of Carbonated Fluor and Hydroxylapatite
  14. Sustainability of Rare Earths An Overview of the State of Knowledge
  15. Community Road Safety Initiatives for the Minerals Industry
  16. Cyanobacteria as Biocatalysts for Carbonate Mineralization
  17. EDEEP An Innovative Process for Improving the Safety of Mining Equipment
  18. Comparing Health Risks to Load-Haul-Dump Vehicle Operators Exposed to Whole-Body Vibration Using EU Directive 2002-44EC, ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5
  19. The Adsorption of n-Octanohydroxamate Collector on Cu and Fe Oxide Minerals Investigated by Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
  20. Indium-Carrier Minerals in Polymetallic Sulphide Ore Deposits A Crystal Chemical Insight into an Indium Binding State Supported by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Data
  21. A Novel Method for Culturing of Leptothrix sp. Strain OUMS1 in Natural Conditions
  22. A New Direction for Biomining Extraction of Metals by Reductive Dissolution of Oxidized Ores
  23. The Health and Safety Benefits of New Technologies in Mining A Review and Strategy for Designing and Deploying Effective User-Centred Systems
  24. Human Biomonitoring Data from Mercury Exposed Miners in Six Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining Areas in Asia and Africa
  25. An Overview of Optimizing Strategies for Flotation Banks
  26. A Study of the Effect of Djurliete, Bornite and Chalcopyrite during the Dissolution of Gold with a Solution of Ammonia Cyanide
  27. Psycho Social Issues in Mine Emergencies The Impact on the Individual the Organization and the Community
  28. Management of Sulfide-Bearing Waste, a Challenge for the Mining Industry
  29. Sleep and Heat Related Changes in the Cognitive Performance of Underground Miners A Possible Health and Safety Concern
  30. Lithium Resources and Production Critical Assessment and Global Projections
  31. Precious Metals in Automotive Technology An Unsolvable Depletion Problem
  32. Optimizing Location of Bulk Metallic Minerals Processing Based on Greenhouse Gas Avoidance
  33. Mental Health, Cardiovascular Disease and Declining Economies in British Columbia Mining Communities
  34. Application of Full Factorial Experimental Design and Response Surface Methodology for Chromite Beneficiation by Knelson Concentrator
  35. Direct Adherence of Fe(III) Particles onto Sheaths of Leptothrix sp. Strain OUMS1 in Culture
  36. Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study of Hard Roofs in Fully Mechanized Mining Faces under Sleeve Fracturing
  37. RTRO Coal Real Time Resource Reconciliation and Optimization for Exploitation of Coal Deposits
  38. Jarosite versus Soluble Iron-Sulfate Formation and Their Role in Acid Mine Drainage Formation at the Pan de Azúcar Mine Tailings (Zn-Pb-Ag), NW Argentina
  39. Evolution of Geochemical and Mineralogical Parameters during In Situ Remediation of a Marine Shore Tailings Deposit by the Implementation of a Wetland Cover
  40. Influence of the Drum Position Parameters and the Ranging Arm Thickness on the Coal Loading Performance
  41. Mineralogical Study of a Biologically-Based Treatment System That Removes Arsenic, Zinc and Copper from Landfill Leachate
  42. Ab initio Studies of O2 Adsorption on (110) Nickel-Rich Pentlandite (Fe4Ni5S8) Mineral Surface
  43. Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Respirable Dust After Blasting of Coal Roadway Driving Faces A Case Study
  44. Extremely Re Rich Molybdenite from Porphyry Cu Mo Au Prospects in Northeastern Greece Mode of Occurrence, Causes of Enrichment, and Implications for Gold Exploration
  45. Approaches to the Low Grade Metamorphic History of the Karakaya Complex by Chlorite Mineralogy and Geochemistry
  46. New Insights in the Ontogeny and Taphonomy of the Devonian Acanthodian Triazeugacanthus affinis From the Miguasha Fossil-Lagerstätte, Eastern Canada
  47. Autolysis of Bacterial Cells Leads to Formation of Empty Sheaths by Leptothrix spp.
  48. Evidence of a Biological Control over Origin, Growth and End of the Calcite Prisms in the Shells of Pinctada margaritifera (Pelecypod, Pterioidea)-min
  49. Ferric Sulfate Leaching of Pyrrhotite Tailings between 30 to 55 °C
  50. Flocculation of Pyrite Fines in Aqueous Suspensions with Corn Starch to Eliminate Mechanical Entrainment in Flotation
  51. Strategizing Carbon-Neutral Mines A Case for Pilot Projects
  52. Linking Environmental Magnetism to Geochemical Studies and Management of Trace Metals. Examples from Fluvial, Estuarine and Marine Systems
  53. Mapping Changes in a Recovering Mine Site with Hyperspectral Airborne HyMap Imagery (Sotiel, SW Spain)
  54. Petrology, Palynology, and Geochemistry of Gray Hawk Coal (Early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian) in Eastern Kentucky, USA
  55. Layered Growth and Crystallization in Calcareous Biominerals Impact of Structural and Chemical Evidence on Two Major Concepts in Invertebrate Biomineralization Studies
  56. Evidence for the Multi-Stage Petrogenetic History of the Oka Carbonatite Complex (Québec, Canada) as Recorded by Perovskite and Apatite
  57. The Distribution, Character, and Rhenium Content of Molybdenite in the Aitik Cu-Au-Ag-(Mo) Deposit and Its Southern Extension in the Northern Norrbotten Ore District, Northern Sweden
  58. Comprehensive Technical Support for High-Quality Anthracite Production A Case Study in the Xinqiao Coal Mine, Yongxia Mining Area, China
  59. Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of Coals and Intra-Seam Claystones from the Songzao Coalfield, SW China
  60. Monazite Alteration in H2O ± HCl ± NaCl ± CaCl2 Fluids at 150 ºC and psat Implications for Uranium Deposits
  61. Petrology and Geochemistry of the Harlan, Kellioka, and Darby Coals from the Louellen 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Harlan County, Kentucky
  62. Numerical Simulations of Two-Phase Flow in a Self-Aerated Flotation Machine and Kinetics Modeling
  63. Mineralogy and Trace Element Chemistry of Ferberite Reinite from Tungsten Deposits in Central Rwanda
  64. Characterization of the Bacterial and Sulphate Reducing Community in the Alkaline and Constantly Cold Water of the Closed Kotalahti Mine
  65. Quantitative XRD Analysis of the Structural Changes of Ba-Exchanged Montmorillonite Effect of an in Situ Hydrous Perturbation
  66. Numerical Simulations of Two Phase Flow in a Dorr Oliver Flotation Cell Model
  67. Dynamic Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring of Froth Flotation
  68. Review of Biohydrometallurgical Metals Extraction from Polymetallic Mineral Resources
  69. Flotation Bubble Delineation Based on Harris Corner Detection and Local Gray Value Minima (2)
  70. Forensic Assessment of Metal Contaminated Rivers in the 21st Century Using Geochemical and Isotopic Tracers
  71. The Feedback Control Cycle of Mineral Supply, Increase of Raw Material Efficiency, and Sustainable Development
  72. Mineralogical and Geochemical Compositions of the No. 5 Coal in Chuancaogedan Mine, Junger Coalfield, China
  73. Chemical Abrasion Applied to LA ICP MS U Pb Zircon Geochronology
  74. Particle Size-Specific Magnetic Measurements as a Tool for Enhancing Our Understanding of the Bulk Magnetic Properties of Sediments
  75. Geobiological Cycling of Gold From Fundamental Process Understanding to Exploration Solutions
  76. Geology and Mineralogy of Uranium Deposits from Mount Isa, Australia Implications for Albitite Uranium Deposit Models
  77. Autogenous Tumbling Media Assessment to Clean Weathered Surfaces of Waste-Rock Particles from a Basalt Quarry
  78. Water Organization and Dynamics on Mineral Surfaces Interrogated by Graph Theoretical Analyses of Intermolecular Chemical Networks
  79. Brown Coal Dewatering Using Poly (Acrylamide-Co-Potassium Acrylic) Based Super Absorbent Polymers
  80. Modes of Occurrence of Fluorine by Extraction and SEM Method in a Coal-Fired Power Plant from Inner Mongolia, China
  81. Primary Phases and Natural Weathering of Smelting Slag at an Abandoned Mine Site in Southwest Japan
  82. Loading Capacity and Deformation Characteristics of Tailings Based on a Fractal Geometrical Analysis of the Particle Microstructure
  83. Three Compositional Varieties of Rare Earth Element Ore Eudialyte Group Minerals from the Norra Kärr Alkaline Complex, Southern Sweden
  84. Formation of Microbial Mats and Salt in Radioactive Paddy Soils in Fukushima, Japan
  85. Helium Production and Possible Projection
  86. Membrane Vesicles as a Novel Strategy for Shedding Encrusted Cell Surfaces
  87. High and Low Temperature Gold Mineralizations in the Fe Cu Zn Sulfide Deposits of Corchia Ophiolite, Northern Italian Apennine
  88. Burial Diagenesis of Magnetic Minerals New Insights from the Gres d Annot Transect (SE France)
  89. Soft Roof Failure Mechanism and Supporting Method for Gob-Side Entry Retaining-min
  90. Effects of the November 2012 Flood Event on the Mobilization of Hg from the Mount Amiata Mining District to the Sediments of the Paglia River Basin
  91. Application of Double-Difference Seismic Tomography to Carbon Sequestration Monitoring at the Aneth Oil Field, Utah
  92. Distribution and Substitution Mechanism of Ge in a Ge-(Fe)-Bearing Sphalerite-Minerals
  93. Major- and Trace-Element Compositions of Indicator Minerals that Occur as Macro and Megacrysts, and of Xenoliths, from Kimberlites in Northeastern Angola
  94. Initial Assemblage of Bacterial Saccharic Fibrils and Element Deposition to Form an Immature Sheath in Cultured Leptothrix sp. Strain OUMS1
  95. A Density Functional Theory Study of the Adsorption of Benzene on Hematite Surfaces
  96. Quantum-Mechanical Methods for Quantifying Incorporation of Contaminants in Proximal Minerals
  97. Uranium, Cesium, and Mercury Leaching and Recovery from Cemented Radioactive Wastes in Sulfuric Acid and Iodide Media
  98. Scale Effect of Premixed Methane-Air Combustion in Confined Space Using LES Model
  99. Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Late Permian Coals from the Mahe Mine, Zhaotong Coalfield, Northeastern Yunnan, China
  100. Calcification and Diagenesis of Bacterial Colonies-min
  101. The Challenge of Integrating OHS into Industrial Project Risk Management Proposal of a Methodological Approach to Guide Future Research (Case of Mining Projects in Quebec, Canada)
  102. The Confluence of Heavy Metal Biooxidation and Heavy Metal Resistance Implications for Bioleaching by Extreme Thermoacidophiles
  103. Evaluation of Uranium Concentration in Soil Samples of Central Jordan
  104. Arsenic Adsorption onto Minerals Connecting Experimental Observations with Density Functional Theory Calculations
  105. Human Health Risk Assessment and Safety Threshold of Harmful Trace Elements in the Soil Environment of the Wulantuga Open-Cast Coal Mine
  106. Acidic Microenvironments in Waste Rock Characterized by Neutral Drainage Bacteria Mineral Interactions at Sulfide Surfaces
  107. Assessing Soil Quality in Areas Affected by Sulfide Mining. Application to Soils in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain)
  108. Biochemical Change at the Setting-up of the Crossed-Lamellar Layer in Nerita undata Shell (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
  109. Evolution of Acid Mine Drainage Formation in Sulphidic Mine Tailings
  110. Use of Iron Powder to Obtain High Yields of Leptothrix Sheaths in Culture
  111. Thermal Treatment of Mercury Mine Wastes Using a Rotary Solar Kiln
  112. Fits and Misfits in Organic Matrix Analyses Case of the Soluble Matrices of the Nacreous Layer of Pinctada margaritifera (Mollusca)
  113. Chemoorganotrophic Bioleaching of Olivine for Nickel Recovery
  114. Microbial Reducibility of Fe(III) Phases Associated with the Genesis of Iron Ore Caves in the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  115. Influence of the Depth on the Shape and Thickness of Nacre Tablets of Pinctada margaritifera Pearl Oyster, and on Oxygen Isotopic Composition
  116. Towards a Model for Albitite Type Uranium
  117. Investigating the Effects of Se Solid Phase Substitution in Jarosite Minerals Influenced by Bacterial Reductive Dissolution
  118. An Underground Air-Route Temperature Prediction Model for Ultra-Deep Coal Mines
  119. Liberation of Adsorbed and Co-Precipitated Arsenic from Jarosite, Schwertmannite, Ferrihydrite, and Goethite in Seawater
  120. Silicon-Rich, Iron Oxide Microtubular Sheath Produced by an Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium, Leptothrix sp. Strain OUMS1, in Culture
  121. The Thermal Damage Properties of Mudstone, Gypsum and Rock Salt from Yingcheng, Hubei, China
  122. Characterizing Frothers through Critical Coalescence Concentration (CCC)95 Hydrophile Lipophile Balance (HLB) Relationship
  123. Carbon Dioxide Sorption Isotherm Study on Pristine and Acid-Treated Olivine and Its Application in the Vacuum Swing Adsorption Process
  124. Geology and Age Constraints on the Origin of the Intrusion-Related, Sheeted Vein-Type Akerberg Gold Deposit Skellefte District Sweden
  125. Field Application of Accelerated Mineral Carbonation
  126. Pressure Induced Polymorphic Phase Transition of Natural Metamorphic Kalsilite; Electrical Resistivity and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigations
  127. Zn-Pb Ores of Mississippi Valley Type in the Lycksele-Storuman District, Northern Sweden A Possible Rift Related Cambrian Mineralisation Event
  128. Interaction of Natural Organic Matter with Layered Minerals Recent Developments in Computational Methods at the Nanoscale
  129. Uranium-Series Disequilibria in the Groundwater of the Shihongtan Sandstone-Hosted Uranium Deposit, NW China
  130. Potentiostatically Poised Electrodes Mimic Iron Oxide and Interact with Soil Microbial Communities to Alter the Biogeochemistry of Arctic Peat Soils
  131. The Role of Chloride Ions during the Formation of Akaganéite Revisited
  132. Evaluation of the Homogeneity of the Uranium Isotope Composition of NIST SRM 610-611 by MC-ICP-MS, MC-TIMS, and SIMS
  133. Study on the Activation of Scheelite and Wolframite by Lead Nitrate
  134. Effect of Sludge Amendment on Remediation of Metal Contaminated Soils
  135. Advances in Trace Element Fingerprinting of Gem Corundum, Ruby and Sapphire, Mogok Area, Myanmar
  136. Extraction of Lithium from Lepidolite Using Mixed Grinding with Sodium Sulfide Followed by Water Leaching
  137. Characterization of Green Liquor Dregs, Potentially Useful for Prevention of the Formation of Acid Rock Drainage
  138. Notes on the Potential for the Concentration of Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Coal Combustion Fly Ash
  139. Environmental Risk of Metal Mining Contaminated River Bank Sediment at Redox-Transitional Zones
  140. Arsenic Microbe Mineral Interactions in Mining-Affected Environments
  141. Use of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria to Leach Rare Earth Elements from Monazite-Bearing Ore
  142. Research Using Virtual Reality Mobile Machinery Safety in the 21st Century
  143. Beneficiation of Low-Grade Phosphate Deposits by a Combination of Calcination and Shaking Tables Southwest Iran
  144. The Safety Journey Using a Safety Maturity Model for Safety Planning and Assurance in the UK Coal Mining Industry
  145. Textural Evidence of Episodic Introduction of Metallic Nanoparticles into Bonanza Epithermal Ores
  146. Market Structure Differences Impacting Australian Iron Ore and Metallurgical Coal Industries
  147. Water and Boron Rich Melt Inclusions in Quartz from the Malkhan Pegmatite, Transbaikalia, Russia
  148. Demonstration Plant Equipment Design and Scale-Up from Pilot Plant of a Leaching and Solvent Extraction Process
  149. Submarine Tailings Disposal (STD)-A Review
  150. Geological Mineralogical and Geochemical Aspects for Critical and Rare Metals in Greece
  151. Long-Term Acid-Generating and Metal Leaching Potential of a Sub-Arctic Oil Shale
  152. Testing of Ore Comminution Behavior in the Geometallurgical Context-A Review
  153. Radioactivity of Natural Nuclides (40K, 238U, 232Th, 226Ra) in Coals from Eastern Yunnan, China
  154. Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Salinity on the Microbial Diversity in Lithifying Microbial Mats
  155. Diavik Waste Rock Project Evolution of Mineral Weathering, Element Release, and Acid Generation and Neutralization during a Five-Year Humidity Cell Experiment
  156. Recent Developments in Microbiological Approaches for Securing Mine Wastes and for Recovering Metals from Mine Waters