Mineral Processing Articles

  1. Removal of Bi(III) and Zn (II) by nonliving Streptomyces rimosus biomass from nitric solutions
  2. Removal of chromium(VI) ions from synthetic solutions by the fungus penicillium canescens
  3. Removal of iron-cyanide complexes using micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration
  4. Removal of limestone from bauxite by magnetic separation
  5. Removal of radioactive elements from niobium and tantalum ores
  6. Role of Microorganisms in Mining Generation of Acid Rock Drainage and its Mitigation and Treatment
  7. Soil Washing for Remediation of Non Volatile Hydrocarbon polluted soils
  8. Solvent extraction of cobalt and zinc from sulphate solutions using phosphoric
  9. Some aspects on albite grinding and liberation
  10. Some basic factors affecting screen performance in horizontal vibrating screens
  11. Some basic mineralogical and electrophysical characteristics affecting pyrite and arsenopyrite flotation
  12. Sorption Kinetics of Hg(II) onto Potamogeton natans Biomass
  13. Sorption of As(V) using different biomaterials
  14. Studies on multi-gravity separator for rejection of acid insolubles in a copper concentrate
  15. The application of contact angle measurement as a method for flotation collector evaluation
  16. The disparity of pellet properties on using a mixture of two inorganic binder
  17. The effect of mass transfer on bio-oxidation of ferrous iron using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
  18. The Performance of a Continuous System for Biosorption and Desorption of Zinc
  19. The role of chemolitotrophic bacteria in an oxide copper ore heap leaching operation
  20. The role of cyanide in the multi-component elution of cyanide complexes from activated iron
  21. Thermophilic Bioheap Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrates
  22. Treatment of metal finishing sludge for detoxification and metal value
  23. Uranium (VI) speciation diagrams
  24. Use of a rotating biological contactor for removal of ammonium from mining effluents
  25. Use of by pass cement on the production of sodium chromate from pellets containing chromite ore concentrate and soda ash
  26. Use of ozone in the treatment of cyanide containing effluents
  27. Why is the Bond Ball Mill Grindability Test done the way it is done
  28. A case study of CIP tails slurry treatment comparison of cyanide recovery to cyanide destruction
  29. A digital imaging based approach to characterize arsenic minerals in colemanite ores
  30. A fundamental study of the alkaline sulfide leaching of gold
  31. A probabilistic approach to column flotation
  32. Adsorption of arsenic (V) and arsenic (III) onto different uncalcined and calcined aluminum hydroxide powder
  33. Amazonian kaolin purification by selective flocculation
  34. Ammoniacal thiosulphate leaching of gold ore
  35. An Aspen Model for the Treatment of Acid Mine Water
  36. Arsenic remediation using anaerobically digested sewage sludge
  37. Basic concepts on heavy metal soil bioremediation
  38. Beginnings of rational bioleaching and highlights in the development of biohydrometallurgy
  39. Bioleaching of Low Grade Manganese Ore with Penicillium citrinum
  40. Bioleaching of ocean manganese nodules in the presence of reducing agents
  41. Biological removal of zinc from wastewater using Aspergillus sp.
  42. Biosorption and flotation biomass, loaded by precious or toxic metals
  43. Biosorption mechanism for anionic metal species with waste crab shells
  44. Biosorption of copper by grape stalks and pine bark biomasses
  45. Biosorption of Cr(III) by the Cell Wall of Mucor hiemalis
  46. Biosorption of Cr3+ from aqueous solution by a NaOH-treated bacterial dead
  47. Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Leachates Generated at Mine Waste Disposal Sites
  48. Cadmium adsorption and accumulation
  49. Characterization of the rivers system in the mining and industrial area of Baia Mare
  50. Chemical processing of dolomite associated with the phosphorites for production of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
  51. Chemical upgrading and aluminothermic reduction of Egyptian sand
  52. Chemisorption of organic dyes on chrysotile asbestos and the toxicity issue
  53. Continuous Packed Bed Biosorption of Copper by Immobilized seaweed biomass
  54. Crushing and Liberation of Materials by Electrical Disintegration
  55. Cu(II) adsorption from aqueous solutions on sugar beet pulp carbon
  56. Cu2+ removal in a biosorption column by immobilized bacterial biomass
  57. Cyanidation of a pyrrhotite-bearing gold ore
  58. Cyanidation of Turkish gold-silver ore and the use of hydrogen peroxide
  59. Cyanide and society a critical review
  60. Cyanide assay based on its novel reaction with resorcinol and picric acid
  61. Cyanide destruction full-scale operation at Ovacik gold mine
  62. Cyanide elimination from lead-zinc flotation
  63. Cyanide extraction from contaminated soil a method comparison
  64. Degradation of free cyanide by photocatalytic oxidation
  65. Degradation of phenol by photocatalytic oxidation
  66. Destruction of cyanide and thiocyanate by ferrate [Iron(VI)]
  67. Destruction of cyanide by ozone in two gas-liquid contacting systems
  68. Determining the Overall Mass Transfer Coefficient for Adsorption
  69. Development of a Flowsheet for Recovering Copper and Tin from copper refining slags
  70. Dissolution of galena with acidified hypochlorous acid in excess chloride solution
  71. Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Validation of Single & Multi-Metallic Solutions in Biosorption of Heavy Metals in Membrane Reactors
  72. Effect of ball size change on the performance of grinding and flotation circuits
  73. Effect of conditioning on the beneficiation of dilute coking coal fines by froth flotation
  74. Effect of Cu(II) doping on physical properties of synthetic goethite and their reactivity
  75. Effect of Pretreatment on Pyritic Sulphur Reduction from Coal
  76. Effect of Salinity on the Oxidative Activity of Acidophilic Bacteria during Bioleaching
  77. Effective Utilization of Blast Furnace Flue Dust of integrated steel plants
  78. Electroplating wastewater treatment through chemical precipitation and electrodialysis
  79. Electroremediation of a soil contaminated by lead from a battery manufactory effluents
  80. Enhanced electrokinetic remediation of cadmium contaminated soils by chelating agents
  81. Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma
  82. Evaluation of Heavy Medium Concentration from Heavy Liquid Tests for Megalopoli low grade
  83. Feasibility of cyanide elimination using plants
  84. Fine coal dry classification and separation
  85. Flotation and cyanidation of a semi-refractory gold ore
  86. Flotation characteristics of high ash oxidised Indian non-cooking coal and its effect on cell flotation
  87. Fundamentals for optimization of cyanide processes in flotation
  88. General gamma representation for product particle split in gravity concentrators
  89. Geochemical characteristics of a sulphidic waste rock and implications for environmental rehabilitation
  90. Guidelines for sulfidic mineral processing practice
  91. High powered microwave treatment of carbonate copper ore
  92. Hydrometallurgical recovery of gold from arsenopyrite refractory concentrates
  93. Impact crushing to the relationship of energy and particle size in comminution
  94. Impact of metal prices on plant optimization Influence of additives on physico-chemical properties of sodium aluminate solution
  95. Influence of fabric on aqueous SO2 leaching of manganese ore
  96. Influence of the hydration degree on copper removal by Spirulina platensis biomass
  97. Interaction of butyl xanthate with oxidized surface of sphalerite
  98. Investigation of breakage behaviour of two different pumice stones
  99. Investigation of the potential of several plants for phytoremediation of nickel contaminated soils and for nickel phytoextraction
  100. Kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate by isothermal methods of analysis
  101. Magnetic separation an alternative method to the treatment of wastewater
  102. Mercury removal from contaminated mud coming from chlor alkali plant
  103. Metal and solute transportation through a wetland at a Lead Zinc
  104. Modelling of equilibrium heavy metal biosorption data at different PH
  105. Modern problems of mineral processing in Russia
  106. Molybdenum Recovery from Mineral Raw Materials by Hydrometallurgical methods
  107. Multi-Metal Biosorption Equilibria of Cr(VI), Cu(II), Cd(II), and Fe(III) Ions
  108. Optimisation of Pure Stibnite Leaching Conditions by Response Surface Methodology
  109. Optimisation of spodumene flotation
  110. Physical separation (gravity and shape) of small-sized mica ore
  111. Physical treatment of zinc skimmed from galvanized process using fluidized bed up stream column
  112. Pilot scale field performance of a reclamation scheme for sulphidic waste rock
  113. Pinus pinaster Aiton (Maritime pine) a reliable indicator for delineating areas of anomalous soil composition for biogeochemical prospecting of Arsenic
  114. Potential Technologies for Removing Thallium from Mine and Process Wastewater
  115. Prediction of two-metal biosorption equilibria using a neural network
  116. Preparation and characterisation of ferrite grade zinc oxide from zinc ash
  117. Pyrite oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in phosphoric acid solutions
  118. Rare earths the unseen metals
  119. Raw clays processing for ceramic pastes
  120. Recovery and utilization of iron and carbon values from blast furnace flue dust
  121. Recovery of ammonia ammonium sulphate from synthetically prepared effluent streams
  122. Recovery of molybdenum from spent hydro-refining catalysts by soda ash roasting
  123. Recovery of titanium from beach sand by physical separation
  124. Removal of arsenic from contaminated water by foam flotation
  125. A Conceptual study into the implementation of a centralized blasting system at Samancors Mooinooi Mine
  126. An investigation into the optimization of personnel transportation to level 15 and below at Khuseleka No 1 shaft Anglo Platinum
  127. An investigation on underground transport roads and influence on safety and productivity at khutala colliery
  128. Cyanidation of reef and surface gold ores
  129. Economic modelling of a ferrochrome furnace
  130. Influence of gadolinium on the microstructure and mechanical properties of steel and stainless steel
  131. Leaching of rare earth elements from bentonite clay
  132. Precipitation of rhodium from a copper sulphate leach solution in the selenium tellurium removal section of a base metal refinery