Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS)

The Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a tool used to collect field data and convert it into useful information such that maintenance can determine work needs, control the work and measure effectiveness in carrying out.
The CMMS has three basic functions:
- To determine what work must be accomplished
- To justify maintenance actions
- To confirm the validity of actions taken or measure their effectiveness. Accurate information is the catalyst that allows the maintenance system to be functional. It provides the maintenance organization with the basis for taking actions which ensure that the objectives of the maintenance program are met.
All processing plant maintenance supervisors, planners and staff positions have formal and specific responsibilities in the operation and use of the CMMS:
Superintendents: Are directly responsible for the use and application of the CMMS. They must actively confirm the quality and functionality of the field and management data. They will ensure that CMMS policies and procedures are actively applied and followed. Additionally, they will direct and focus the administration and use of performance measurement data and reporting.
Maintenance and Operations Supervisors: Will manage and document daily maintenance activities in their area’s of responsibility through the CMMS. At a minimum, they will actively use the work order, materials inventory review, materials requisitioning, and labor time keeping functions.
Maintenance Planner/s: Are directly responsible for the active management, integrity and storage of all maintenance data and its functional organization. Primary functions that the Planner/s will frequently use include the Equipment Register, Standard Jobs File, BOM Lists, Materials Inventory, Material Requisitioning, Work Orders, Maintenance Scheduling and Equipment Repair Procedures.
Maintenance Staff : All Maintenance Staff must have an active, and working, knowledge of the CMMS, and be able to functionally apply it to effectively conduct their routine duties. At a minimum they must be able to use the Work Order, Materials Inventory, Materials Requisitioning, BOM parts Lists and Equipment Register.

The primary purpose of the CMMS is to gain control of activities. Maintenance work is generated by operations and by maintenance itself. These tasks are converted into actions using the work order system. The CMMS will actively be used to convert data into useable information used in making decisions and effectively controlling resources.
The CMMS operates in two broad areas:
- Decision Making Information, necessary to control daily operations and long term cost and performance trends.
- Administrative Information, required to operate the maintenance information system itself and permit effective communications.
Throughout the daily maintenance activities, all maintenance management personnel actively participate in the use and development of data used in the decision making information process, including: labor documentation, backlog management, work order usage, repair histories, materials and parts procurement, and other routine management data producing actions. Individual procedures for each of these functions will be written when the ERP has been determined.
The Maintenance Planner manages the Administrative Information process within The CMMS, based on Superintendent, Senior Maintenance Supervisor/Supervisor guidance and direction. The elements of this process include:
- Controlling incorrect data entries, developing reference lists, producing routine or special reports, monitoring established performance limits, maintaining equipment history files.
- PM program management and exception information management.
Individual procedures for the above items be written when the ERP has been determined.
All use, application and field data is documented with each entry into the CMMS, and the system is fully integrated with all departmental operations.
The Maintenance Work Order
The Maintenance Work Order (MWO) is a formal document and CMMS screen used by any individual to initiate or request maintenance work. After it is issued,it continues to be used, to better define the requested work, plan, schedule, and control maintenance tasks. It captures work scope, labor and other management data. Maintenance job sequence, scheduling, and execution are controlled from this document.
A Maintenance Work Order must be created when any maintenance work is performed. The initiator of a request is responsible to ensure the work order is initiated in the CMMS.
When a work order is completed, the Maintenance Supervisor or tradesman responsible for the work, will note on the work order standard closing information such as total manpower hours required for the job, parts changed out, repair date, time completed, and any special information that would be of value to capture in history.
The final review and closure of a work order is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner.
All MWO’s created will follow standard coding and The CMMS screen entry protocol. Normal maintenance actions will start with an MWO being created prior to the work starting. Most emergency work will start before an MWO is created. All planned maintenance work will have their MWO’s developed prior to being scheduled. The details in creating MWO’s will vary with the priority and nature of the request.
The initiation and creation of a MWO takes place in the CMMS. The MWO shall provide as a minimum the following information:
- A brief but clear description of the job or task requested and location of the job.
- The equipment number that the request refers to.
- The originator’s initial priority code.
- Work group to address task (mechanical, electrical, etc.)
Work order priorities fall under one of five classifications:
- Immediately
- Urgent
- Important
- By due date or, When resources available.
- Shutdown
The detailed use and application of the maintenance priority system will be determined once the ERP is in place.
All Front Line supervision are required to be actively proficient on the use of the CMMS Work Order system. The following are minimal skill requirements to accomplish the following tasks:
Open a maintenance work order
Order materials against a given work order
Enter tradesman daily labor times against a given work order
Documentation will follow Standard maintenance procedures addressing handling of MWO hardcopy forms and data recording in The CMMS.
Maintenance Work Priority System
The Maintenance Work Priority System is used to indicate the priority ranking of the work request and the allocation of maintenance resources.
When a Maintenance Work Order (MWO) is created, the initiator will determine the priority level for the requested work. The priority is based on the evaluation of the Specific work and equipment details.
The Maintenance Planner may adjust MWO priority levels based on guidance by both the Maintenance and Operation Supervisors. During the Daily and the Joint Weekly Maintenance Planning Meetings, priorities may be adjusted. When issued, both the proposed next week’s Work Schedule and the Backlog Summary will have the latest priority level agreed for each MWO.
The Standards used to determine maintenance work priority levels will be outlined in detail once the ERP has been determined
All maintenance work will be requested through the standard work order format via. The CMMS. The initiator of the MWO will establish the job priority level at the time of its creation.
The actual MWO’s priority level at the time of its scheduled assignment will show the emphasis of the joint participation of both operations and maintenance supervision. The changing of MWO priorities is only applied to planned work that is scheduled or jointly reviewed and the change agreed upon.
All Work Orders are to be maintained within The CMMS. Work Orders cannot be placed into the system without a priority code.
Maintenance Work Planning
Maintenance Work Planning is the process of evaluating Maintenance Work Orders (MWO) to determine job requirements and taking appropriate actions to address the work. Maintenance objectives are to plan and schedule the maximum amount of their work requested. Typical maintenance planning covers the following:
An evaluation of each MWO to determine the level of planning.
An evaluation of the job content to determine work, resources and time requirements
The identification of and procurement of materials, special tools, and support equipment required for the job.
Maintenance work planning is the direct responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. Most planning required for standard maintenance tasks including PM’s, services, routine repairs, and special projects is the responsibility of the Planner. Additionally, the Planner is responsible for planning within the CMMS to maintain and build the equipment history data base.
The Maintenance supervisor/s are responsible to provide job priority and work scheduling guidance to the Maintenance Planner. They shall actively participate in the Joint Weekly Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Meetings between Operations and Maintenance. The Maintenance Supervisor/s are also responsible for ensuring maintenance work planning and scheduling is correctly and functionally applied to the maintenance workload.
The Maintenance Systems Specialist is responsible for the development, establishment and implementation of the companies maintenance planning and scheduling program. He/She is responsible for the uniform training, application and advancement of the maintenance work planning processes.
All “Maintenance Work Orders” will be routed to the Maintenance Planner. The Planner will review each to assure that all pertinent information has been provided to functionally address the task, to confirm the scope of work, required support, materials and special equipment/tool requirements. The Planner will then schedule the requested task after direction and guidance from the Operations Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor or Superintendent. Timely Planner actions associated with the execution of the requested tasks will then follow the confirmation of the approved job.
MWO’s will be evaluated to determine job content. This process may include one or more of the following actions:
Survey the job site, analyze the job, and outline the steps required to complete the job. Determine the materials, the special tools and support equipment required to complete the job.
The equipment history files or “Standard Job File” to determine whether similar work has been performed. Determine if a previous plan would be usable in total or in part for the new maintenance request.
Discuss the job with the Maintenance Superintendent, Maintenance Supervisor, Tradesmen, or Engineers as appropriate to obtain additional input about the job.
Once the job content has been determined, the Planner will prepare the planning documents such as time estimates, planner worksheet, material requisitions, prints and drawings. A planned maintenance job will be considered completed when:
It has been surveyed and a clear, concise outline of the work has been written (Job Card)
The material required is available
Special equipment, if required, is available
Special tools are available if needed
Drawings and/or sketches are provided if necessary
Man hours are estimated using predetermined maintenance time standards or other reliable estimating data
SWP or JSA has been included
At a minimum, planned maintenance work will be documented on a standard Maintenance Work Order (The CMMS) screen. In general, significant jobs will also have a standard “SWP” developed which addresses all items that are required for that task.
Maintenance Planning Check Lists
Planning skills are the media through which manpower and raw materials are transformed into effective work. The following check lists are designed to be used by the Maintenance Planner/s to ensure complete and effective job planning.
Maintenance Job planning is the direct responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. Senior Maintenance personnel are responsible for providing guidance and focus to the Planner/s. The following Check List is to be used as a common standard to ensure uniform and efficient use of maintenance resources.
All opened maintenance work orders are automatically routed to the Maintenance Planner/s and held in an authorization review file. The Planner will review each request to assure that all pertinent information has been provided to functionally address the task. The Planner will then review the request to confirm the priority, required support, materials and special equipment or tool requirements. Timely planner actions associated with the execution of the requested work will follow procedure shown below.
The Maintenance Planners will not formally plan the details of a job until they have approval from the Senior Maintenance personnel. In general, jobs that are of an “emergency” nature will not be addressed by the Planner.
The following Maintenance Planning Check Lists should be used prior to planning a job and checked after the planning is completed.
- Planning is a five step decision making process
1. Definition of problem
2. Identification and development of alternate solutions
3. Evaluation of alternate solutions
4. Selection of the best alternative
5. Execution of selected alternative into effect - Planning is the process of analyzing maintenance tasks
1. Determine the job content and define the elements of work that must be performed
2. Describe the sequence of those elements and apply predetermined time standards to those elements
3. Determine the materials, tools, and special equipment required to accomplish the work requested and initiate actions to procure those items - A job has been planned when the following is present.
1. It has been surveyed; and a clear, concise outline of the work has been written or provided.
2. The material needed has been requisitioned and set aside for the job.
3. Special equipment, if required, is available.
4. Special tools are available if needed.
5. Drawings and/or sketches are provided if necessary.
6. Man hours have been estimated using predetermined maintenance time standards or other reliable estimating data.
7. Review scope of work with originator and provide SWP or JSA’ s if require.
Planned maintenance work will be documented on a standard Maintenance Work Order (The CMMS) screen. In general, significant jobs will also have an “SWP” developed which addresses all items that are required to do that task.
Maintenance Job Scheduling Definition
Maintenance Job Scheduling is the process of determining the best time to perform planned maintenance work. Operations needs as well as Maintenance work must be balanced to maximize resource allocations.
Maintenance Job Scheduling is the direct responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. After planning a maintenance job, the planner seeks coordination guidance by both the Senior Maintenance personnel and the Operations Supervisor. Any cancellations to scheduled work, will require a reason that is documented on the Daily Work Schedule or Job Card by the Planner or Maintenance Supervisor. Routine maintenance job planning will be conducted on a weekly period base, and adjusted prior to commitment of that scheduled period to account for fluctuations. Long term or special project scheduling will be conducted as required, however, active elements shall be reviewed weekly.
During the Joint Weekly Scheduling/planning Meeting the Planner will provide documentation and review the next two weeks of planned and potential jobs. The first week (next week) covers the details of what the job is, what shift(s) it is scheduled to be conducted on, resource allocation and projected completion time. The second week is used to announce what jobs are coming up and when management needs to think about the best time to schedule these jobs. On a daily basis one brief maintenance planning/scheduling meetings will be held by the Maintenance Supervisor with his Operational counterpart. This will happen prior to the start of the shift to review the previous nights events and carry over jobs that will result in changes to the day’s planned maintenance schedule. When a job lacks the required materials, or the equipment is unavailable or required maintenance personnel are not available, the job will not be scheduled.
Well planned jobs have a high potential of being carried out effectively and efficiently, however, unless all the work variables are properly scheduled, the benefit of good planning is lost. Job Scheduling is made up of four basic elements:
The equipment that is to be worked on must be available at the best time for all concerned. It must be made available for a period of sufficient duration to get the job done properly. Additionally, the equipment must be left in a clean condition to provide safe work conditions.
Materials and Support Equipment
All necessary repair materials, tools and support equipment must be on hand prior to beginning the job.
Maintenance Labour
Maintenance leadership must place tradesmen, at the best time, and in the proper quantity, with adequate supervision.
Functional Coordination
Scheduling requires the active coordination between both Operations and Maintenance. A job cannot be scheduled until Maintenance has allocated the required equipment and time to address the work. Every effort will then be made to honour the commitment.
Daily Work Schedules will be kept on file for two months. Weekly Work Schedules will be filed for six months. Necessary scheduling performance measurement data will be logged daily, and a summary report issued monthly.
Work Order Backlog System
A Work Order Backlog is defined as the maintenance work presently incomplete at the time of review. Backlog jobs are clearly identified with estimated maintenance man hours, and by priority.
A rising backlog indicates there is more work being generated than maintenance elements can accomplish. This then requires maintenance leadership to review the backlog and physically address the priority work through overtime, contract services, or other resources to reduce the backlog. Additionally, the backlog is used to balance required manpower and personnel applications.
The Work Order Backlog is generated by The CMMS. The daily maintenance and upkeep of the system is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner/s. The Planner will provide a current backlog summary to Senior Maintenance personnel, Operations Supervisors and Superintendents, prior to the beginning of their Joint Weekly Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Meeting. Superintendents will provide priority and direction on which work orders are to be addressed for the next week.
It is Senior Maintenance personnel’s responsibility to routinely review the backlog and provide guidance and direction to the Planner/s and maintenance supervisors on required manpower work applications. Additionally, the Senior Maintenance personnel will follow monthly and long term trends to determine the need to adjust, change, request personnel resource re-allocations, or consider contract services.
All maintenance work will be requested and reported through The CMMS. The CMMS can, on demand produce a maintenance work load backlog based on entered work orders which have not been closed out. It is imperative that all planned and scheduled maintenance jobs be actively maintained on work orders within the system.
All maintenance work will be requested through the standard work order system on The CMMS. All work orders shall be routed to the Maintenance Planner/s and closed when completed.
Backlog reports will be generated on a routine basis and reviewed with both Operations and Maintenance senior management. Positive corrective adjustments will be taken in areas that regularly show an increasing or decreasing amount of maintenance labor man-hours.
All open Work Orders are to be maintained within the companies MIS system.
Routine or special hard-copy file reports can be produced as required.
Planning & Scheduling Meetings
The Maintenance Planning and Scheduling activities are complex tasks, requiring frequent coordination to ensure maximum use of resources. This requires the active communication of both, internal maintenance elements, and the direct interface with operations management. This basic necessity will be accomplished through routine Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Meetings.
Dynamic communication of planned and active maintenance events is the responsibility of all Concentrator’s Supervision working towards a more efficient operation. Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Meetings will be conducted routinely to ensure functional application of maintenance resources and plant equipment productivity. The following formal Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Meetings will be conducted:
Daily Morning Coordination Meeting
Daily Maintenance Status Meeting
Joint Weekly Maintenance Planning Meeting
Special Project and Long Term Planning Meeting
Maintenance, Planning and Operations Senior personnel are responsible for ensuring scheduled maintenance meetings are actively and practically conducted. Additionally, they will provide focus and ground rules on how to conduct these meetings.
The Maintenance Planner/s are responsible for providing required documentation and planning data for the Joint Weekly Maintenance Planning Meetings. The Planner is also the facilitator of these meetings and will ensure they are short, pointed, and cover all required subjects needed to conduct sound maintenance planning. Maintenance Supervisors will provide Daily Maintenance Status updates.
Maintenance, Planning and Operations personnel are required to attend scheduled planning meetings routinely and actively participate.
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Meetings will be conducted on established timetables. Meetings will follow an agenda and will be conducted in a timely manner. Planning and Scheduling Meetings are a core component of the companies Maintenance Management Program.
Joint Weekly Maintenance Planning Meetings will be conducted on Tuesday afternoon of each week. The Senior Maintenance personnel, Maintenance Planner/s, and Operations Supervisor(s) are required to be present. The Maintenance Planner is the meeting facilitator. The primary function of the meeting is to establish a functional Maintenance Work Schedule for the following week and review the Maintenance Backlog status. A current Maintenance Work Backlog will be provided the day prior to the meeting. In general, these meetings normally last about 60 minutes. Once a schedule has been approved by both parties, there exists a contract between them to comply with the schedule. This is what we call “commitment” and is the action of “committing” to the work for the next weeks work schedule.
Daily Morning Coordination Meetings will be conducted every weekday prior to or just after the start of day shift. At a minimum the Operations Supervisors and Maintenance supervisor are required to be present. The primary function of this meeting is to review any events or actions that occurred the previous night, which would negatively effect the execution of the Daily Maintenance Work scheduled. In general, these meetings normally run 10 minutes. Once the noted changes have been reviewed, the maintenance supervisor will adjust their schedule where affected (with direction from Senior Maintenance personnel), to accomplish as much of the priority tasks as possible. Once the schedule is adjusted, the maintenance supervisor will be responsible to carry out the work, as close to the schedule as possible.
Special Project & Long Term Planning Meetings will be conducted as necessary. Normally, Superintendents, Senior Maintenance personnel, Maintenance Planner/s and Operations Supervisors are always present. The primary objective of this meeting is to review and coordinate major maintenance jobs, shutdowns and/or engineering projects scheduled during the next three months. In general, these meetings run sixty minutes, depending on the density of items to be covered.
In the case of daily and weekly meetings, their documentation will take the form of a Maintenance Work Schedule. Special Project & Long Term Planning Meetings will have many varied documentation means, however the maintenance Planner is required to produce a summary of the meetings general topics and agreements.
Maintenance Quality Control Process
The function of Quality Control within the company’s Maintenance Management Program is to measure, inspect and ensure standards are met in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. How well we conduct the Quality Control will have a direct impact on meeting the production targets. Improvements in maintenance performance that is regularly and continuously measured can make a significant contribution to the Concentrator’s productivity.
The Maintenance Supervisor/s manage the daily activities of their crew’s, and are responsible for the work quality and quantity. The Supervisor enforces time tables, regulations, orders, directions, policies, priorities and reports concerns to Senior Maintenance personnel.
The Maintenance Planner is responsible to manage and monitor the data flow into The CMMS and to report on the performance measurements. Additionally, the Planner will advise both upper and lower levels of management as to trends or significant indicators that effect quality of maintenance works.
Senior Maintenance personnel and Supervisors are responsible to ensure daily work efforts are focused and directed to accomplish quality maintenance works, while always working to improve their maintenance element’s ability to advance work standards.
There are many indices to measure maintenance performance; labour use, materials, cost, backlog reduction, etc. Each specific parameter measured alone, is not sufficient to produce a total picture. Rather, a combination of indicators are required to yield an overall picture of performance.
The following maintenance performance indicators are most commonly used:
Scheduled VS Unscheduled Maintenance Work
Backlog Status
Equipment Down Time Delays
Maintenance Elements Costs
Equipment Utilization
Equipment Physical Availability
Repeat Repairs and Rework
PM Compliance
Each month the Maintenance Planner will develop the physical maintenance data within The CMMS into defined maintenance performance measurements (KPI’S) reports. These reports will then be reviewed to determine resource management trends and will provide an insight into areas that may require additional focus or direction.
The intent of the Maintenance Quality Control Process is to advance maintenance efforts and resources towards effective and professional levels. Maintenance performance will be measured to ensure high quality work, resulting on high plant availability.
Throughout the maintenance work order system and other CMMS programs, quality control data shall be actively maintained. Reports of quality control indicators will be routinely produced monthly.
Preventive Maintenance System Definition
Preventive Maintenance is the timely inspection of equipment and replacement of consumable items, to prevent major failures from occurring. Preventive Maintenance requires identification of routine services as recommended by OEM’s as a minimum. Each scheduled equipment PM task, has the objective of challenging equipment breakdown and achieving increased equipment availability.
The Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Processes are the two most effective means to utilize maintenance labor resources.
The prime factor in the success of any preventive maintenance program is the quality, timeliness and completeness of the tasks. The accurate knowledge of equipment’s conditions will reduce unplanned events and emergencies. When the lead time between the discovery of the deficiency and the time when the repair must be made is lengthened, the opportunity to plan and schedule a complete maintenance/repair action is created. With such planning comes more effective use of maintenance resources and reduced downtime.
The main components of the Treatment Plants Preventive Maintenance System are:
Equipment inspection routes
OEM time mandated preventive maintenance tasks:
Equipment Lubrication Program
Replacement of wear/consumable items
The Maintenance Supervisor shall insure that PM tasks and services are conducted and completed in an effective and timely manner. Formal reporting, identifying tradesmen training, documentation verification, validation of the physical efforts and findings of the PM work are also the responsibility of the Maintenance Supervisor/s. The preventive maintenance program is made up of routine, repetitive actions such as inspections, projected component change outs, and lubrication. The PM planning and scheduling is the direct responsibility of the Maintenance Planner.
The initial creation and development of a specific PM task is the responsibility of Senior Maintenance personnel, coordinated and monitored by the Maintenance Planner. Changes and modifications to a formal PM documented task may come from many sources, however the Maintenance Planner is the coordinator and facilitator of the PM task work sheet master documents.
The PM process is the one of the most important components of the Maintenance Management Program. It is that portion of the maintenance process that generates “early warning” information on the status of the equipment. This early information provides the lead time that permits maintenance the opportunity to plan and schedule the repairs.
All directions, key notes and actions noted in a PM inspection sheet must be specifically followed by a trained individual. The Maintenance Supervisor/s must ensure the quality of the inspection and its completion. Significant data and/or maintenance actions reported in the worksheet must be followed up. Should the scheduled PM not be conducted or completed, this fact must be reported to both Senior Maintenance personnel and Maintenance Planner.
Operations utilize the installed equipment to meet planned production. The maintenance PM process plays a major role in ensuring equipment availability. Therefore Operations must work with maintenance in the establishment and scheduling of the planned PM tasks. A scheduled equipment PM four-weekly outage list will be developed two weeks in advance, and reviewed during the weekly joint planning meeting.
The PM process is “Pro-Active”, its principal aim is to uncover problems before the equipment fails and resolve them. The earlier problems are found, the greater the opportunity for planning, gathering materials, coordinating a scheduled shutdown, allocating the manpower and addressing the situation effectively.
Manpower needs for each PM task will be clearly established and regularly validated. Scheduled PM tasks not completed or addressed will be routinely reported as such. PM compliance and effectiveness will be routinely measured.
PM worksheets are documented and controlled through the standard MWO form and recorded in the CMMS, these can also be created in word and stored in a central database.
Predictive Maintenance System
Predicting or forecasting critical equipment problems and/or operating life, as monitored parameters change overtime, is a very cost effective technique to minimize equipment downtime and thus maximize productivity. The key step of the Predictive Maintenance System is the inventory of equipment that if it fails unexpectedly, could have a major economic impact on the facility. Predictive Maintenance consists in the monitoring of equipment and components, to determine deterioration and operating life decay; with this information equipment and component failure can be predicted, and corrective action can be taken before failure. The techniques utilized are of the non-destructive mode and provide useful indicators and trends, to assist in the decision making process of when to schedule production equipment outages.
The main components of the processing plant Predictive Maintenance System are:
Oil Analysis
Vibration Analysis
Temperature Monitoring
Ultrasonic Surveys
Data Collecting Routes
The initial development of the Predictive Maintenance tasks, routes, and data setup, are the responsibility of both senior maintenance personnel and planner .
The application and execution of the Predictive Maintenance program is the responsibility of all senior Maintenance personnel. This group will develop and coordinate the scheduling, sample collecting, testing, data processing, and required functional management routines. This group is also responsible for data trend analysis, timely identification of defective components, and coordinating with Senior/ Maintenance Supervisor/s, and Maintenance Planner/s to commence corrective action plans when necessary.
When testing is to be conducted by outside contract services, it is the responsibility of the Maintenance Superintendent to setup the initial contract, to supervise the work, and to
assure the test data and reporting elements are compatible with the plants predictive maintenance data base.
Selected critical equipment and components will be monitored (on-line or routinely), utilizing predictive maintenance procedures established by the OEM and/or in-house Maintenance. The gathered data will be measured against the base line data and with the assistance of specialized software, component wear and/or equipment problems will be diagnosed. This information will be used to establish the need for corrective maintenance. Analysis findings will be used to validate, plan and schedule timely equipment overhauls.
Oil Analysis: This PdM tool is used to detect contaminants with machinery’s oil such as water, silica, wear metals and glycol. By monitoring component wear in such items as gear boxes, engines, transmissions, differentials and hydraulics systems equipment life can be extended or decrease unplanned downtime and optimize lubricant oil consumption.
Vibration Analysis: This PdM Tool is used to measure and analyze vibration signals. It works on the principle that during normal operation, moving components functioning properly, will emit a specific vibration signal signature. When the signature changes, it means that internal changes are beginning to occur; on-line or routinely monitoring of the changes provides the information to take corrective action at the proper time. Vibration measurement and analysis provide a quick and inexpensive way to detect and identify mechanical problems before they become serious and force unscheduled shutdowns.
Temperature Monitoring: This PdM tool is used both for electrical and mechanical equipment and, like vibration, equipment has a heat loss base line when new and as wear, vibration and or decay takes its toll, the base line changes and typically heat losses increase. On PdM this information often is utilized to identify problems and/or impending failures. At CMA, temperature monitoring will be conducted by conventional field devices, such as probes, RTD’s and portable temperature guns: in addition thermography cameras will be introduce to enhance the diagnostic capabilities.
Ultrasonic Surveys: This PdM tool is used to measure material thickness and thus forecast remaining operating life of wear components. A variation of this technique, is beginning to become established as an additional diagnostic tool, particularly on valves. The noise pattern of a fluid moving across a valve has a specific signature, as the valve wears the noise pattern changes and thus trigger information that can predict its operating life.
Basic Elements of Maintenance Management
Maintenance Management Responsibilities
A good Pulverizer and our jaw crushers need little maintenance.