Laboratory Scale

This general purpose laboratory platform scale can be used for wheel-barrow and other bulk weighing of large quantities of ore samples, pilot plant concentrates or other laboratory products. It is also useful for the weighing of supplies, equipment or other materials.

The scale is a self-contained unit, fits into a shallow floor opening, and is easy to install. When installed the platform is flush with the level of the floor, thus saving space.Laboratory Scale, Platform

The Laboratory Platform Scale has a bronze arrowpoint beam mounted on a sturdy stand with self¬aligning bearings. Both poises are provided with set screws.


Portable Laboratory Scale Platform

The(Portable) Laboratory Platform Scale is an ideal unit for weighing large samples and other products normally handled in a continuous test plant or laboratory. It is practically indispensable for all testing laboratories and particularly when an accurate weight must be made of all products handled on a large scale test involving weights of from 10 to several thousand pounds.Laboratory Scale, (Portable) Platform

Scale is of all-metal construction with cap and center panel of platform made of alloy steel, pressed to shape and reinforced, making a very rigid and rust resisting unit. The lever system is made heavy, with a large factor of safety, and all bearings are self-aligning. The loops, bearings, nose irons, and weights are rust resistant, assuring long life with sustained accuracy.


Pulp Density Laboratory Scale

The Laboratory Pulp Density Scale provides a fast and accurate means of determining the specific gravity of pulps and liquids, so essential in laboratory testwork. It simplifies the procedure of obtaining specific gravity of laboratory test plant products and thereby effects a considerable saving in the time of skilled laboratory personnel.Laboratory Scale, Pulp Density

This scale is used wherever metallurgical results depend on the ratio of water to solids such as in ball mill discharge, conditioner discharge, agitator circuit, etc.

The construction of the unit is shown in the accompanying illustration. The pulp container is made of spun aluminum and has an overflow slot near the top which permits easy, accurate filling to exactly one liter. In balanced position, with full pulp container, the reading on the beam gives the specific gravity of the pulp direct. The percent solids is then obtained by applying this reading to the pulp density table which is furnished with each Laboratory Pulp Density Scale.

The Pulp Density Scale provides a very fast and accurate means of determining the specific gravity of pulps and liquids. It simplifies the procedure of obtaining the specific gravity of mill products, thereby saving considerable time for the mill operator.

To adapt this scale to higher specific gravity mediums it is only necessary to balance it with 1000 grams of water by adding weight at the end of the beam. When properly balanced, the Pulp Density Scale then has a range from 1,000 to 3,300 grams. By utilizing this method of raising the scale range, the specific gravity of any pulp can be found.


Pulp and Slurry Laboratory Scale

Laboratory Pulp and Solution Scale is built for applications where scales must be able to withstand rapid handling, mechanical shock, and considerable wear from frequent use. The Laboratory Pulp and Solution Scale meets these requirements while retaining utmost sensitivity.Laboratory Scale, Pulp and Solution

It is provided with two weighing beams with sliding poises, the large beam graduated from 0 to 1000 grams and the smaller from 0 to 100 grams. An additional beam with poise is placed beneath the weighing beam to balance the empty container used to hold the material weighed. The graduations and figures are white and easily readable against a black background. Scale is supplied graduated for Avoirdupois or Troy readings instead of Metric when so desired. Dimensions 34″ x 11″ x 10″. Shipping weight, 65 pounds. Other size scales are available to suit various laboratory requirements. Let us recommend type and size best suited to your needs.

Concentrate Truck Scale

It requires a strong, well designed scale to withstand the shocks and jolts imposed when heavily loaded trucks, with most of the load concentrated on the rear wheels, roll up on the weighing platform. The scale as illustrated is built for this service and will give accurate weight no matter where the load is concentrated on the platform.

Due to its rugged construction the Truck Scale is ideal for use at the mine or mill for weighing ore and concentrates. It is available in a wide range of sizes and styles to suit local requirements. Scales include all steelwork, bearings, levers, hardware, and full capacity beams with weights. Complete instructions are furnished for installation and operation. Platforms may be wood or concrete.

Truck ScalePlatform Dimensions