Laboratory Burners

burner oil

BURNER, Oil, Vesta Braun—Low pres­sure oil burner primarily designed for firing assay furnaces. Any oil from 22 to 24 degrees or lighter may be used, and about one gallon of oil per hour is consumed. The air should be furnished at about 4- ounce pressure and directly con­nected motor-blower outfits are best suited. Or, if desired, a belt-driven blower may be used. Complete with air and oil valves. Air pipe, 2½ inches. Oil pipe, ½ inch. Net weight, 12 pounds. Shipping weight 15 pounds.

low pressure oil

BURNER, D. F. C. Low Pressure, Oil—This is the latest development in oil burners of the low pressure  type. The burner consists of a brass or cast iron head with a removable nozzle for con­trolling the amount of air and giving it the proper direction. The air enters the burner at the bottom; the oil enters at the top in the rear, flowing down to the valve.

BURNER TUYERE—For use with D. F. C. Burner No. 18540. Serves as a connection between the low pressure burner and the furnace to which it is attached. It is used when lighting the burner and as a means of looking into the furnace. A sliding conical casting permits regulation of the size of the opening for admitting auxiliary air.

BURNER, Dangler Gasoline Blast Lamp—Produces an intensely hot, clean flame, that can be easily and instantly regulated. Sufficient for all ordinary incinerations. Tank made of copper, with shield to protect it from the heat. Capacity, 2 quarts. With adjustable support, and pressure bulb.

burner kerosene

BURNER, Kerosene, Wickless—This burner produces a hot, blue, odorless flame through the burning of vaporized kerosene volatilized by its own heat. A small hand pump in the side of the tank produces the  pressure necessary to feed the fuel to the vaporizer.

Consists of a brass tank of 2¼ pints capacity, fitted with pump and air release valve and burner, with tripod and brass grid top for apparatus. Height overall, 8½ inches. Outside di­ameter of the grid 8½ inches. Burns 3½ hours with one filling.

BURNER, Laboratory, Gas Stove—These gas burners or hot plates are made with cast iron tops of strong gray iron, sufficient to support the heaviest vessels, with 3½ inch burners, air combustion chamber and brass slip mixer. The castings are smooth, clean, plain finish. They stand 6 inches high.
