Laboratory Air Blowers

Laboratory Air Blowers

BEAKER, Copper—With lip. With flared tcp and flat bottom. Spun from heavy copper sheet.

BLOWER, Fan, Electrically Driven-—Small fan blower direct connected to high speed motor. The combination is especially designed for operating low pressure crude oil burners as used with Braun Assay Furnaces. The fan is of special construction to produce volume and pressure for atomizing the oil. The outfit is mounted on a substantial cast iron base, and is neat and self-contained. The ¼ H.P. motor is well enclosed, and ample provisions are made for lubrication. Shipping weight about 110 pounds.

BLOWER, Positive Pressure Type, Crowell—These blowers are adapted to all purposes within their range of volume and capacity, where air is required under pressure of from one to ten pounds to the square inch or for any vacuum not exceeding twenty-four inches.

These blowers are positive and the pressure is not dependent upon speed or centrifugal force. Crowell Blowers are extensively used in the operation of blast furnaces, blow pipes, burners for the melting of metals, hardening, tempering, annealing, forging, soldering, brazing, heating and also for the agitation of liquids or semi-liquids, for sandblast work, glass blowing, atomizing, vacuum cleaning and general laboratory purposes.


BLOWPIPE, Brass—Plain, 8 inches long.

BLOWPIPE, Brass—With bulb, 8 inches long.

BLOWPIPE, Brass, Nickel Plated, Plattner—With trumpet shaped mouthpiece of hard rubber, without platinum tip.

BLOWPIPE—Similar to No. 15630, but with platinum tip.

BLOWPIPE TIP, Platinum—For blowpipe No. 15630.

NEEDLE HOLDER—For holding platinum or nichrome wire, small drills, etc. Consists of a composition metal handle, fitted with nickel plated ferrule.