King Gee’s G2 Compression Workwear Ideal for Miners

king-gee-g2King Gee, a reputable clothing company, has released the revolutionary new G2 Compression Workwear. Ideal for miners, it “targets key muscles to reduce soreness and improves recovery.”

G2 project team leader Nicholas Gronier  has spoken with Australian Miner as to how beneficial their new G2 Compression Workwear is. He has explained how the clothing was improved and how it can help miners to surpass the whole day without spending too much energy.

“The idea came from a mine site in Coolgardie: On site we do interviews with workers to find out about how people use our garments, what we realised there was that some guys were actually using compression garments while they worked,” he said.

“When we asked why, they told us it was mainly to prevent nipple rash, but the garments were not antistatic, which is a requirement in mines.”

The garment is antistatic, a standard needed for mining workwear. The stitches were also designed according to what miners need, helping them to move comfortably, thus, reducing muscle pains.

“We also wanted to make sure that the garment would be antimicrobial,” Gronier said.

“Normal sports clothes aren’t antimicrobial, people do their exercise for a few hours, maybe a few days a weeks, but miners work for more than eight hours a day, so we have incorporated silver in the clothing for the antimicrobial properties,” he added.