Kiln Temperature Controller Guide

You wonder how to enter the burn off program in our programmable kiln temperature controller, so today we’re going to show you an Example of exactly how to do that. With your kiln all set up and plugged in it will flash showing ambient temperature; STOP or HOLD.

You will access the program setting to enter the parameters by pressing the A/M button and that will bring up the CO1; that’s for temperatures and then TO1, TO2, etc.kiln-temperature-control

Be sure to always make note of your ambient temperature which is 74 Degrees F in this example and that’s what we’re going to initially set in for your CO1.  The CO1 tells the kiln where temperatures are going to start from.

TO1 is the rate of kiln temperature rise into the next temperature and in this example it’s going to be 15 minutes. Once you have that entered then Press the SET to go to your next step CO2.

CO2 is the first target temperature; it is 1200 degrees F.  Again, use the A/M button as well to help move the decimal point over for a larger numerical values.

Once you have the 1200 point entered in, Press the SET, then will go to TO2 which is how long we’re going to maintain that 1200 degrees for.


For 1200 degrees we’re going to keep that for 15 minutes. Once you have that in go ahead and Press SET.

Now let’ program our CO3 and you have to tell the controller exactly what to do. This time instruct it again we’re going to go from 1200 degrees and TO3, the rate of rise to the next temperature, 15 minutes and the next temperature will be 1700 degrees (CO4).

For decimal point again; move that over to enter 1700; once you get that Press SET; then you want to maintain the inner kiln temperate at 1700 degrees for 25 minutes (TO4). You’ll enter 25 and Press SET.

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Then once again we have to tell the kiln controller to go with 1700 degrees (CO5) and we want you to turn OFF at that point. TO5 is going to be the stop code to enter as -121.

-121 is a universal stop code for any program that you enter not only just for the burn off program.  -121 is the code to tell the kiln to shut off and do a natural code.

That’s it you’re done with the program.

Before you fire-up, go through and double check all of your parameters.kiln-temperature-profile

Press A/M and review:

CO1 ambient temperature of 74 degrees for a 15 minutes (TO1) climb until it reaches its first target temperature of 1200 degrees (CO2) and hold that kiln temperature for 15 minutes, TO2.

CO3 will go from 1200 degrees and take 15 minutes (TO3) to reach 1700 degrees (CO4) and maintain 1700 degrees for 25 minutes (TO4).

CO5 will take the 1700 degrees after that 25 minutes (TO5) then shut down with the code negative one twenty one (-121).

Now this controller will actually hold whatever program that you have entered into it until you change it again. This program can be modify to whatever needs you to have for your specific firing or just zero everything back out to re-enter whatever firing schedule that is required.