How much gold you can recover depends much more on your ore mineralogy than on the iCON Gravity Concentrator itself.
Gravity Recoverable Gold (GRG)
A three stage Gravity Recoverable Gold test was conducted on a gold ore sample. From Stages 1 to 3, the sample was staged crushed/ground to 850µm K100 (20 mesh), 212µm K80 (70 mesh) and 75µm K80 (200 mesh), respectively. Each stage consisted of the sample being passed through the concentrator, collected, dried, weighed and assayed for gold. Figure 1 displays the flowsheet schematic and test results, and the following comments may be of interest:
Up to 82 percent of the gold in the feed was recovered to the gravity concentrates. The total mass of the concentrates was about 1 percent of the feed mass and assayed about 1180 g/tonne gold. The majority of the gold recovered into the concentrates was in Stage 1. About 37 percent of the gold in feed was recovered to the first stage, which assayed about 1533 g/tonne.
The GRG test indicates that a significant portion of the gold in the feed could be recovered via iCON/Falcon Centrifugal concentration.
The Gravity Recoverable Gold (GRG) test conducted on the Mill Feed sample indicated that up to 82 percent of the gold in the feed can be recovered to a mass concentrate of 1 percent.